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importing data from a csv file using Batch file


I am trying to extract data from csv file and displaying it. But my output is not not as desired. What is wrong in my code? My code is:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set var1=0

for /F "tokens=1* delims=," %%a in (text.csv) do (
    set var2=0
    set var3=0
    set array[!var1!][!var2!]=%%a
    set /a var3=var2 1
    set array[!var1!][!var3!]=%%b
    set /a var3 =1
    set array[!var1!][!var3!]=%%c
    set /a var1 =1

echo First column, First element: %array[0][0]%
echo First column, Second element: %array[0][1]%
echo First column, Third element: %array[0][2]%
echo Second column, First element: %array[1][0]%
echo Second column, Second element: %array[1][1]%
echo Second column, Third element: %array[0][2]%

pause >nul

The content of text.csv file is displayed below:

DK joshi,152,uttarakhand,1  
naveen,565, uttar pradesh,4  

The displayed output by the code is given below:

First column, First element: DK joshi
First column, Second element: 152,uttarakhand,1
First column, Third element: %c
Second column, First element: amit
Second column, Second element: 154,UP,2
Second column, Third element: %c

Required output should be:

First column, First element: DK joshi
First column, Second element: 152
First column, Third element:uttarakhand
Second column, First element: amit
Second column, Second element: 154
Second column, Third element: UP

CodePudding user response:

If you want to use three separate tokens, you have to explicitly tell the loop that.

"tokens=1* delims=," %%a means "When you split the string, I want you to put the first part in %%a and everything else in %%b, and I want that thing that you split on to be ,."

If you want to use %%a, %%b, and %%c, then you need to either list tokens=1,2,3 or give the range tokens=1-3.

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