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How do I declare a type as "one of an enum variant or a None"?


I simplified the problem to this situation. Imagine classic tic-tac-toe / tris game.

Players can use X or O.

pub enum Symbol {

When thinking about a cell content, one of the 9 positions where user can play, I think, in human terms as

  • a cell can contain a Symbol::X, a Symbol::O or a None (when it's not played yet)

How can I represent this content as a type/enum/struct?

Is this a case where we can use Generics? or dynamics? What is the syntax?

Option 1

pub enum CellContent {

Option 2

pub type CellContent = Option<Symbol>;

Option 3 (from accepted answer)

Scale the problem to the above structure, defining something like an Option<Symbol>

Personal note

the option 2, being a type, bring the disvantage that we cannot implement functions fir this type, so we cannot use it because we need compare, etc..

CodePudding user response:

You can place your Symbol enum inside an Option, i.e.: Option<Symbol>:

// your 3x3 table
let mut table: [[Option<Symbol>; 3]; 3] = Default::default();

Initially, all the cells in the table will be None. Then, playing:

table[1][1] = Some(Symbol::X);
table[1][2] = Some(Symbol::O);

Alternatively, you could follow an intrusive approach by defining Symbol instead as:

pub enum Symbol {

That is, defining an additional variant Symbol::NotPlayedYet. For this case, you would probably want to implement Default for Symbol to default to Symbol::NotPlayedYet:

impl Default for Symbol {
    fn default() -> Self {

Play it this way:

let mut table: [[Symbol; 3]; 3] = Default::default();

table[1][1] = Symbol::X;
table[1][2] = Symbol::O;
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