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Call function for both min and max in C


I have to write a program where I input the number of participants and then the name, surname, age, heigh and weight.

Restrictions- number of participants must be between 1-30

The under age(<18 years) and the ones with height <140cm and >220cm must be eliminated from the list(array).

Finally I have to display the name and weight of the thinest and fatest participants. I got stuck at writing the min/max function to find out the thinest and fatest from my array. I get the same result for both min and max and I don't actually know how to display the name for them.

Here's my code so far. Can somebody help? I already spent multiple hours playing with the code to no avail.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int N;

void remove_persons(string name[], string surname[], float weight[], float height[], float age[])

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i  )
        if (age[i] < 18 || height[i] < 140 || height[i] > 220)
            for (int j = i; j < N - 1; j  )
                name[j] = name[j   1];
                surname[j] = surname[j   1];
                age[j] = age[j   1];
                height[j] = height[j   1];
                weight[j] = weight[j   1];

float fatfunc(string name[], string surname[], float weight[])

    float fat = weight[0];
    int index_fat = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i < N; i  )

        if (weight[i] > fat)
            fat = weight[i];
            index_fat = i;

    return index_fat;

float thinfunc(string name[], string surname[], float weight[])

    float thin = weight[0];
    int index_thin = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i < N; i  )

        if (weight[i] < thin)
            thin = weight[i];
            index_thin = i;

    return index_thin;

int main()

    string name[99];
    string surname[99];
    float weight[99];
    float height[99];
    float age[99];
    int fat, thin;

        cout << "Nr. of participants 1-30: ";
        cin >> N;
    } while (N <= 0 || N >= 30);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i  )
        cout << "Name[" << i << "]: ";
        cin >> name[i];
        cout << "Surname[" << i << "]: ";
        cin >> surname[i];
            cout << "Age[" << i << "] (>18 years): ";
            cin >> age[i];
        } while (age[i] <= 18);

        cout << "Height in cm [" << i << "] (>140 & <220 cm): ";
        cin >> height[i];

        cout << "Weight [" << i << "]): ";
        cin >> weight[i];

    remove_persons(name, surname, age, weight, height);

    thin = thinfunc(name, surname, weight);
    cout << endl;
    cout << surname[thin] << " "   name[thin] << " is the thinest with a weight of " << weight[thin] << endl;

    fat = fatfunc(name, surname, weight);
    cout << endl;
    cout << surname[fat] << " "   name[fat] << " is the fatest with a weight of " << weight[fat] << endl;

    return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Not a direct answer, but in C 20 you can use a totally different approach. You don't have to remove anything from your input array (vector), you just skip over unwanted items in a range based for loop with filters.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ranges>
#include <iostream>
#include <format>

struct person_t
    std::string name;
    unsigned int age;
    double height;

// a predicate operating on a person and returning a boolean
// this can later be used in a filter in a range based for loop
bool valid_height(const person_t& person)
    return (person.height >= 1.4) && (person.height <= 2.2);

bool valid_age(const person_t& person)
    return person.age >= 18;

// overload to output a person, makes code more readable later
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const person_t& person)
    os << std::format("person : [name = {0}, age = {1}, height = {2}]\n", person.name, person.age, person.height);
    return os;

int main()
    // Create an "array" with 3 persons
    std::vector<person_t> persons{ {"Alice", 20, 1.78}, {"Bob", 4, 78.5}, {"Charlie", 19, 2.4 } };

    // loop only over those persons that meet a criterion
    // https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/ranges/filter_view
    // and pick up to 30 matching persons
    // https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/ranges/take_view
    for (const auto& person : persons 
                            | std::views::filter(valid_height)
                            | std::views::filter(valid_age)
                            | std::views::take(30))
        std::cout << person;

    return 0;

CodePudding user response:

For your 1st problem writing min max function: answer: you passed the wrong values for remove_person function you did like this //remove_persons(name, surname, age, weight, height); it should be like this // remove_persons(name, surname, weight, height,age); and for your other problem with displaying names code is here(I mentioned where correction has been done):

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    int N;
    void remove_persons(string name[], string surname[], float weight[], 
    float height[], float age[])
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i  )
     {       if (age[i] < 18 || height[i] < 140 || height[i] > 220)
        for (int j = i; j < N - 1; j  )
            name[j] = name[j   1];
            surname[j] = surname[j   1];
            age[j] = age[j   1];
            height[j] = height[j   1];
            weight[j] = weight[j   1];
       void fat_and_thin(string name[], string surname[], float weight[])
       int fat, thin;
    fat = thin = weight[0];
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i < N; i  )
    if (weight[i] < thin)
        thin = weight[i];
        j = i;

    if (weight[i] > fat)
        fat = weight[i];
        k = i;
    cout <<name[j]<<surname[j]<<" is The thinest has : " << thin << endl;
    cout << name[k] << surname[k] << " is The fatest has : " << fat <<endl;
    int main()

    string name[99];
    string surname[99];
    float weight[99];
    float height[99];
    float age[99];

    cout << "Nr. of participants 1-30: ";
    cin >> N;
    } while (N <= 0 || N >= 30);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i  )
    cout << "Name[" << i << "]: ";
    cin >> name[i];
    cout << "Surname[" << i << "]: ";
    cin >> surname[i];
        cout << "Age[" << i << "] (>18 years): ";
        cin >> age[i];
    } while (age[i] <= 18);

    cout << "Height in cm [" << i << "] (>140 & <220 cm): ";
    cin >> height[i];

    cout << "Weight [" << i << "]): ";
    cin >> weight[i];
    remove_persons(name, surname, weight, height,age);
    fat_and_thin(name, surname, weight);

    return 0;
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