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Long Representation vs Double representation of positive and negative zero in java


I was wondering about the differences between positive and negative zero in different numeric types.
I understand the IEEE-754 for floating point arithmetic and bit representation in double precision so the following didn't come as a surprise

double posz = 0.0;
double negz = -0.0;
// output
>>> 0
>>> 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

What did surprise me and showed me that im clueless about the bit representation of long type in java is that even if i shift right (unsigned >>>) then the binary representation of both positive and negative zero is the same

long posz = 0L;
long negz = -0L;
for (int i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
    System.out.print((posz >>> i) & 1);
for (int i = 63; i >= 0; i--) {
    System.out.print((negz >>> i) & 1);
// output
>>> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
>>> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

so i am wondering what does java do from a bit representation when i write the following

long posz = 0L;
long negz = -0L;

Does the compiler understand that they are both zero and disregards the sign (and so assignes 0 to the sign bit) or is there other magic here?

CodePudding user response:

long has no such thing as negative zero. Only float and double have a different representation of positive and negative zero.

CodePudding user response:

or is there other magic here?

Yes. 2's complement.

2's complement is a bit magical. It accomplishes 2 major objectives. Before getting into that, let's first stew on the notion of negative zero for a moment.

Negative zero is kinda weird. Why does it exist at all?

Negative zero isn't actually a thing. Ask any mathematician "Hey, so, what's up with negative zero?" and they'll just look at you in befuddlement. It's not a thing. Mathematically, 0 and -0 are utterly identical. Not just 'nearly identical', but 100%, fully, in all possible ways, identical. We don't generally want our numbers to be capable of representing both 5.0 as well as 5.00 - as those two are entirely, 100%, identical. If you don't think that a value system ought to waste bits trying to differentiate between 5.0 and 5.00, then it's equally bizarro to want the ability to represent -0.0 and 0.0 as distinct entities.

So, wanting -0 in the first place is kinda weird. All the numeric primitives (long, int, short, byte, and I guess char which is technically numeric too) all cannot represent this number. Instead, long z = -0 boils down to:

  • Take the constant "0".
  • Apply the 'negate' operation to this number (- is a unary operator. Just like 2 5 makes the system calculate the binary operation of "addition" on elements 2 and 5, -x makes the system calculate the unary operation of "negation" on element x. Applying the negation operation to 0 produces 0. It's no different from writing, say, int x = 5 0;. That 0 part doesn't do anything. The - in front of -0 doesn't do anything. In contrast to -0.0 where it does do something (gets you negative zero, the double value, instead of positive zero).
  • Store this result in z (so, just 0 then).

There is no way to tell if that minus is there. They both result in ALL ZERO bits, and hence, there is no way for the computer to tell if you initialized that variable with the expression -0 or with 0. Again in contrast to double where as you noticed there's a bit different.

So why does double have it then?

Let's stew a bit on the notion of doubles and IEEE-754 math.

A double takes 64 bits. From basic pure mathematical principles then, a double is as incapable of representing more than 2^64 different possible values you are capable of breaking the speed of light or making 1 1=3.

And yet, a double aims to represent all numbers. There are way more numbers between 0 and 1 than 2^64 options (in fact, an infinite amount of numbers exist between 0 and 1), and that's just 0 to 1.

So, how doubles actually work is different. A few less than 2^64 numbers are chosen from the entire number line. Let's call these the blessed numbers.

The blessed numbers are not equally distributed. The closer you are to 1, the more blessed numbers exist. In other words, the distance between 2 blessed numbers increases as you move away from 1. For example, if you go from, say, 1e100 (a 1 with a hundred zeroes) and want to find the next blessed number, it's quite a ways. It's in fact higher than 1.0! - 1e100 1 is in fact 1e100 again, because the way double math works is that after every single last mathematical operation you to do them, the end result is rounded to the nearest blessed number.

Let's try it!

double d = 1e100;
System.out.println(d   1);

// prints: 1.0E100
//         1.0E100

But that means.. double values don't actually represent a single number!!. What any given double represents is in fact this concept:

An unknown number whose value lies between [D -

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