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serializer.data and serializer.validated_data is blank when a serializer is initialized by dictionar


I am building an app using django and drf. While testing a serializer, I found the serializer could not save data to database because of null constraints. Below is the test code, serializer and model.

location_serializer_data: LocationDict = {
    'address': 'address',
    'latitude': 11.1,
    'longitude': 22.2,

def test_deserializing(self):
    serializer = LocationSerializer(data=location_serializer_data)
    new_location = serializer.save() # < where the test explodes

Here is the error message

django.db.utils.IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed: locations_location.latitude

I found that serializer.initial_data gets the data appropriately, but after serializer.is_valid(), two of serializer.data, serializer.validated_data become blank dict.

I searched a bit but I found no clue of what was causing this.

CodePudding user response:

I think the following code should help you

def test_deserializing(self):
    serializer = LocationSerializer(data=location_serializer_data)
    serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) # < Now code will raise error here
    new_location = serializer.save() 

This will ensure that exception is raised at the validation level

CodePudding user response:

.is_valid() method validates but does not raise the error by itself. We can do serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True). It raises validation error if the data is not valid.

CodePudding user response:

One possible cause is that the the field latitude does not exists in the LocationSerializer because it got "cleaned out" by the serializer validation. If it's possible, please share the detail on LocationSerializer so we can help further.

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