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pos application billing page in javascript or jquery?


I am stuck to the task with pos application billings page I and to append object array images only to HTML table row but I have an issue with this part please give some solution.

var food={
        "SNO" :1,
        "ItemName":"cofee Black",
        "Purchased": 44,
        "InStock" :30,
        "SNO" :2,
        "ItemName":"Tea Black",
        "Purchased": 91,
        "InStock" :64,


this is my array file I want to append image data only to the HTML table row

    var cart=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('food'));
    function buildTable(data){
        var table=document.getElementById('myTable')
        for(var i=0;i<data.length;i  ){
            var row=`<tr>
                <td><img src = '${data[i].Image}'></td>

                table.innerHTML  = row

this is my jquery code please give tips guys to help the task.

The exact output was like this picture.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You need the array called data inside food. Also you need correct JSON - I removed some trailing commas

You can simplify the loop using a map too - that is faster since you avoid multiple appends

Your code cannot give you the "exact output" since you have one image per table row. I suggest you use divs and CSS grids.

const wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper')
const buildTable = data => data.map((item) => `<div style="background-image:url(${item.Image})">${item.ItemName}</div>`).join("");
const food = JSON.parse(jsonStr || `{"data":[]}`); // avoids errors if localStorage is empty
let cart = food.data;
wrapper.innerHTML = buildTable(cart);
#wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px;

#wrapper div {
  height: 100px;
  background-size: 150px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  border: 1px solid blue;
  padding: 10px;
  color: teal;
  margin: 10px;
<div id="wrapper"></div>

let jsonStr = `{ "data": [{ "SNO": 1, "ItemName": "Coffee Black", "Price": "$13.50", "Purchased": 44, "Sold": 14, "InStock": 30, "Type": "Drinks", "Status": "Available", "Image": "https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/foil-pouch-with-zipper-and-plastic-coffee-bag-packaging-isolated-on-picture-id1224085374?k=20&m=1224085374&s=612x612&w=0&h=H0Nf0JLe2zLrfW_4ZC4hxa5QordtJwFGmBcPbtw-ELo=" }, { "SNO": 2, "ItemName": "Tea Black", "Price": "$11.50", "Purchased": 91, "Sold": 27, "InStock": 64, "Type": "Drinks", "Status": "Available", "Image": "https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/teabag-picture-id182914582?k=20&m=182914582&s=612x612&w=0&h=5w_2693DRgtE67EWV7rQeiy62-UU21Yy6I-HFTB8hGk=" },{ "SNO": 1, "ItemName": "Coffee Black", "Price": "$13.50", "Purchased": 44, "Sold": 14, "InStock": 30, "Type": "Drinks", "Status": "Available", "Image": "https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/foil-pouch-with-zipper-and-plastic-coffee-bag-packaging-isolated-on-picture-id1224085374?k=20&m=1224085374&s=612x612&w=0&h=H0Nf0JLe2zLrfW_4ZC4hxa5QordtJwFGmBcPbtw-ELo=" }, { "SNO": 2, "ItemName": "Tea Black", "Price": "$11.50", "Purchased": 91, "Sold": 27, "InStock": 64, "Type": "Drinks", "Status": "Available", "Image": "https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/teabag-picture-id182914582?k=20&m=182914582&s=612x612&w=0&h=5w_2693DRgtE67EWV7rQeiy62-UU21Yy6I-HFTB8hGk=" } ,{ "SNO": 1, "ItemName": "Coffee Black", "Price": "$13.50", "Purchased": 44, "Sold": 14, "InStock": 30, "Type": "Drinks", "Status": "Available", "Image": "https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/foil-pouch-with-zipper-and-plastic-coffee-bag-packaging-isolated-on-picture-id1224085374?k=20&m=1224085374&s=612x612&w=0&h=H0Nf0JLe2zLrfW_4ZC4hxa5QordtJwFGmBcPbtw-ELo=" }, { "SNO": 2, "ItemName": "Tea Black", "Price": "$11.50", "Purchased": 91, "Sold": 27, "InStock": 64, "Type": "Drinks", "Status": "Available", "Image": "https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/teabag-picture-id182914582?k=20&m=182914582&s=612x612&w=0&h=5w_2693DRgtE67EWV7rQeiy62-UU21Yy6I-HFTB8hGk=" }  ] }`;</script>

CodePudding user response:

Your data is to be found under the data property of cart.

So, you need to call buildTable(cart.data).

The buildTable() is problematic too, as it will add single-column rows to your table. Using .innerHTML in a loop should also be avoided, as it necessitates repeated parsing and rebuilding of DOM elements. Instead you should assemble the whole HTML-string first (in the loop) and then add it once to the table.

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