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Using parent to call a method from the components Blazor


I have this method in my components called ClearFiles(string PathName) which I currently call by clicking one of the buttons on the component, but now I'm trying to call of them at once but I cannot figure out how to do this. Calling a single ClearFiles method from the component works perfectly, but I'm not quite sure how to call all these methods at once using the parent class. I have made a button in the parent class with the name of ForceClean which I'm hoping can be pressed to call all of the components clear files function.

I create the components in the parent class using a for loop in my PageFileCleaner.razor file like this:

@foreach (var d in filters)
     <CompFileFilter FileFilter="d" OnDelete="Delete" ></CompFileFilter>

Where filters is a List of type FileFilter which is in the namespace Common.DB. This is how it is declared in the parent class:

private List<FileFilter> filters { get; set; }

And is populated with data from my database using:

        using var context = _db.CreateDbContext();
        filters = await context.FileFilters.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();
        foreach( var filter in filters)
            FileFilter f = new FileFilter();

And this Parameter (in the child class) is what i use to get the values from that row in the database using FileFilter.Pathname or FileFilter.ID for example:

    public FileFilter FileFilter { get; set; }

Database / FileFilter object class:

namespace Common.DB
    public class FileFilter
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string TimerChoice { get; set; }
        public bool IsLoading;
        public string PathName { get; set; } = "";
        public string Extension { get; set; }
        //public string[] extensionList { get; set; }

The clear files function is in my component/child CompFileFilter.razor file (took the code out for this example because its over a hundred lines of code). I'm creating the components in the parent class and each one will have this ClearFiles() method.

public async Task ClearFiles(string PathName)
     filtering code... 

How can I loop through my components from the parent class and call all of there ClearFiles() method?

CodePudding user response:

You can use a dictionary and store the reference of each CompFileFilter component. Then use the references to call the ClearFiles method. You can use the ID property of FileFilter for the dictionary keys.


@foreach (var d in filters)
    <CompFileFilter @ref="_fileFilterRefs[d.ID]" FileFilter="d" OnDelete="Delete"></CompFileFilter>

@code {
    private Dictionary<int, CompFileFilter> _fileFilterRefs = new Dictionary<int, CompFileFilter>();

    private async Task ForceClean()
        // Execute ClearFiles one at a time.
        foreach (var item in _fileFilterRefs)
            await item.Value.ClearFiles();
        // Or execute them in parallel.
        //var tasks = _fileFilterRefs.Select(item => Task.Run(item.Value.ClearFiles));
        //await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

ClearFiles method doesn't need PathName parameter. You can get the PathName from the FileFilter parameter.


@code {
    public FileFilter FileFilter { get; set; }

    public async Task ClearFiles()
        var pathName = FileFilter.PathName;
        // filtering code... 


You should clear the _fileFilterRefs dictionary before any change to the filters list. Because when the filters list changes the @foreach (var d in filters) { ... } will run again and add new references to the dictionary so before that you have to remove the old references.


CodePudding user response:

Copy and test...

Add a new property to your FileFilter class to hold a reference to the component it is assigned to:

public CompFileFilter Reference { get; set; } = new CompFileFilter();


<button type="button" @onclick="Remove">Remove me</button>

@code {

    public FileFilter FileFilter { get; set; }

    public EventCallback<CompFileFilter> OnDelete { get; set; }

    private async Task Remove()
        await OnDelete.InvokeAsync(this);

    public async Task ClearFiles()

        await Task.CompletedTask;


Note: "Remove me" button removes the current component from its parent


@foreach (var d in filters)
    <CompFileFilter @key="d"  @ref="d.Reference" FileFilter="d" OnDelete="Delete"></CompFileFilter>

    <button type="button" @onclick="Clean">Clean all</button>

@code {
    private List<FileFilter> filters = new List<FileFilter> { new FileFilter {ID=1, PathName="Path1" },
                                          new FileFilter {ID=2, PathName="Path2" },
                                          new FileFilter {ID=3, PathName="Path3" } };

    private void Delete(CompFileFilter compFileFilter)
        var fileFilter =
          filters.Where(fileFilter => fileFilter.Reference == compFileFilter).FirstOrDefault();

    private async Task Clean()
        foreach (var filter in filters)
            await filter.Reference.ClearFiles();
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