I have a dictionary like below:
d={0:[('cat_a', 15),('cat_b', 12)],
1: [('cat_a',10),('cat_b',7)],
2:[('cat_a', 12),('cat_b', 8)]}
I get a dataframe by using below:
data = [l for l in d.values()]
In each column i get tuples, out of which i only need the numerical value.
CodePudding user response:
df = pd.DataFrame(map(dict, d.values()))
cat_a cat_b
0 15 12
1 10 7
2 12 8
CodePudding user response:
You can use:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({k: {k2:v2 for k2,v2 in l} for k,l in d.items()}, orient='index')
# or for a functional approach like that of @Andrej
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(zip(d, map(dict, d.values()))), orient='index')
cat_a cat_b
0 15 12
1 7 10
2 12 8
used input:
d = {0: [('cat_a', 15),('cat_b', 12)],
1: [('cat_b',10),('cat_a',7)],
2: [('cat_a', 12),('cat_b', 8)]}