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Recognizing whitespace in file path in python


I'm trying to open a file from python (jupyter notebook) but it doesn't recognize whitespace in the path:

import os
import win32com.client

# Open a specified word document
wordapp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application')

# Change this depending on your file location
document = wordapp.Documents.Open('C:/Users/sam/Documents/New folder/testfile.docx')

# Gimme the links

brokenlinks = {}
counter = wordapp.ActiveDocument.Lists(1).ListParagraphs.Count

for para in (wordapp.ActiveDocument.Lists(1).ListParagraphs):
    for link in (para.Range.Hyperlinks):
            if counter in brokenlinks:
                brokenlinks[counter] = brokenlinks[counter]   ", "   link.TextToDisplay
                brokenlinks[counter] = link.TextToDisplay
    counter -= 1

# Number of broken links in the document    
print('Number of footnotes with broken links:'   ' '   str(len(brokenlinks.values())),'\n')

# Print broken links in each footnote
for i, (counter, value) in enumerate(brokenlinks.items()):
    print(str(counter)   '. '   value   '\n')


com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'Microsoft Word', "Sorry, we couldn't find your file. Was it moved, renamed, or deleted?\r (C:\\//Users/sam/Documents/New f...)", 'wdmain11.chm', 24654, -2146823114), None)

The code works when I rename the folder to "New_folder". So the issue is the whitespace in the path. Is there a way to recognize it? It should also work if my target file has whitespaces too, for example, 'C:/Users/sam/Documents/New folder/test file.docx' .

CodePudding user response:

try this (if you are NOT using the shell):

path= r"C:\Users\sam\Documents\New folder"
directory = os.path.dirname(path)

CodePudding user response:

Seeing that you have forward slashes in your directory, I believe that you just need to add one more forward slash onto your directory path as in the following code snippet.

import os

directory = os.path.dirname('/home/craig/Python_Programs/PathName/My Documents/')

Here was my test output in the terminal.

@Una:~/Python_Programs/PathName$ python3 PathName.py 
/home/craig/Python_Programs/PathName/My Documents

Give that a try.

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