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removing nested paths from vector of strings


I have an std::vector<std::string>paths where each entry is a path and I want to remove all the paths that are sub-directories of another one.

If for example I have root/dir1/, root/dir1/sub_dir/ and root/dir2/, the result should be root/dir1/, root/dir2/.

The way I've implemented it is by using std::sort std::unique with a predicate that checks if string2 starts with string1.

std::vector<std::string> paths = getPaths();

std::sort(paths.begin(), paths.end());
const auto to_erase = std::unique(paths.begin(), paths.end(), [](const std::string & s1, const std::string & s2) {
    return (s2.starts_with(s1) || s1.starts_with(s2));

paths.erase(to_erase, paths.end());

But since the predicate should be symetrycal I wonder if in some implementation std::unique iterate from end to start, and in that case the result will be wrong.

CodePudding user response:

Your predicate is symmetric.

Let p be your predicate (the lambda), and a and b some strings, different from each other, but such that p(a, b) is true. Then either a.starts_with(b) or b.starts_with(a).

If a.starts_with(b), then p(b, a) is true because s2.starts_with(s1) is true in the lambda. Similarly, if b.starts_with(a), then p(b, a) is true because s1.starts_with(s2) is true in the lambda.

So, if p(a, b), then p(b, a) (and vice versa), which is the definition of a symmetric predicate.

It's not transitive though (p("a/b", "a") and p("a", "a/c") but not p("a/b", "a/c")), but I can't see a way this could pose a problem in practice. It could definitely lead to different results if the input isn't sorted, but yours is.

So your implementation is probably fine.

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