I am trying to wrap a MuiAutocomplete
around my own custom component and also pass in AutocompleteProps
as a prop, while using typescript. Here's what I have:
type Props = {
autoCompleteProps?: AutocompleteProps<T>
label: string
loading?: boolean
const AutoComplete: React.FC<Props> = ({
}) => {
return (
<MuiAutocomplete {...autoCompleteProps}/>
But I get the following error on: autoCompleteProps?: AutocompleteProps<T>
Generic type 'AutocompleteProps<T, Multiple, DisableClearable, FreeSolo, ChipComponent>' requires between 4 and 5 type arguments
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
And I also want to make renderInput
CodePudding user response:
has five generic value and one has default value, others required.
export interface CustomAutoCompleteProps<T> {
props: AutocompleteProps<T, boolean | undefined, boolean | undefined, boolean | undefined>;
label: string;
loading?: boolean;
export const CustomAutoComplete = <T,>(props: CustomAutoCompleteProps<T>) => {
const { label, autocompleteProps, loading } = props;
return <Autocomplete {...autocompleteProps} />;
And I also want to make renderInput optional
that's not possible, renderInput
and options
are required field.
interface IOptions {
label: string;
year: number;
export const AutoCompleteTest = () => {
let options: CustomAutoCompleteProps<IOptions> = {
label: "test",
loading: false,
props: {
options: [
{ label: "test", year: 2021 },
{ label: "asd", year: 2222 },
renderInput: (params) => <TextField {...params} label={"label"} />,
return <CustomAutoComplete {...options} />;
CodePudding user response:
As TypeScript says, AutocompleteProps
needs to have 4 to 5 type arguments as it's defined like the following:
export interface AutocompleteProps<
Multiple extends boolean | undefined,
DisableClearable extends boolean | undefined,
FreeSolo extends boolean | undefined,
ChipComponent extends React.ElementType = ChipTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
> {
// ..
has a default value that's why this props require 5 or 4 arguments.
For the others you will need to specify which type to use.
So what you can do is add some generics value to Props
and simply pass them to the AutocompleteProps
type Props<
Multiple extends boolean | undefined = undefined,
DisableClearable extends boolean | undefined = undefined,
FreeSolo extends boolean | undefined = undefined
> = {
autoCompleteProps?: AutocompleteProps<
label: string;
loading?: boolean;
If you don't care about them in your custom API you can use simple default values:
type Props<T> = {
autoCompleteProps?: AutocompleteProps<T, undefined, undefined, undefined>;
label: string;
loading?: boolean;