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GeoPandas Map Animation Is Not Animating


I am trying to animate a GeoPandas map using dates (iterates through the day). I'm using MPL's FuncAnimation function and although there are no errors, there is no animation happening. Here is my code:

link = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leakyMirror/map-of-europe/master/GeoJSON/europe.geojson'
europe = gpd.read_file(link)
europe_w_needed_countries = europe[europe.NAME.isin(train.country.unique())]

def create_gdf(date):
    a = new_train.query(f"date == '{date}'").groupby('country').sum().reset_index()
    b = europe_w_needed_countries[['LON', 'LAT', 'geometry']]
    b.index = a.index
    return gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([a,b], axis=1))

    country num_sold    LON LAT geometry
0   Belgium 3320    2.550   46.565  MULTIPOLYGON (((9.48583 42.61527, 9.49472 42.6...
1   France  2939    9.851   51.110  MULTIPOLYGON (((8.71026 47.69681, 8.67859 47.6...
2   Germany 3437    12.800  42.700  MULTIPOLYGON (((12.12778 47.00166, 12.13611 46...
3   Italy   2431    4.664   50.643  POLYGON ((4.30237 51.26318, 4.30968 51.26203, ...
4   Poland  1074    19.401  52.125  POLYGON ((18.85125 49.51736, 18.85222 49.52777...
5   Spain   2151    -3.649  40.227  MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.92528 35.26666, -2.93694 35...

For more context of this dataset, a is supposed to represent the amount of books sold in European countries from 2017 to 2020. The data is aggregated. b is a geojson-loaded Data Frame that displays the polygons of the countries. Both datasets are merged together, which is seen in the output code.

This is my code for the animation plot:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,8))
date = '2017-01-01'
fontsize = 13

def animate(date):
    gdf = create_gdf(date)
             legend_kwds={'label': 'Books Sold'})
    ax.set_title('Books Sold From 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2020')
    ax.text(20, 45, 'Date:\n{}'.format(date), fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='center')
    for lon, lat, country in zip(gdf.LON, gdf.LAT, gdf.country):
        ax.text(lon - 1.5, lat, country, fontsize=fontsize)
    date  = TimeDelta(1)
FuncAnimation(fig, update, interval=250, frames=new_train.index.unique())

As seen here, the map does not change. Also, I know the country names are in the wrong places, I'll change that later.

enter image description here

I don't know why this is happening, I followed other threads and articles and it never works.

CodePudding user response:

Animation of geopandas can be achieved with plot_polygon_collection(). I modified it to fit your code with enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Alternative approach, use plotly express Animation is built into the high level API

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px

countries = ["Spain", "France", "Italy", "Belgium", "Germany", "Poland"]
europe = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres")).loc[
    lambda d: d["name"].isin(countries)

df = pd.DataFrame(
        "date": np.tile(pd.date_range("2020-08-01", periods=30), 6),
        "country": np.repeat(countries, 30),
        "num_sold": np.random.randint(1000, 5000, 180),

    df.assign(date_str=lambda d: d["date"].dt.strftime("%Y-%b-%d")),
        "style": "carto-positron",
        "zoom": 2.5,
        "center": {
            "lat": europe.unary_union.centroid.y,
            "lon": europe.unary_union.centroid.x,
    coloraxis={"cmin": df["num_sold"].min(), "cmax": df["num_sold"].max()},

enter image description here

FYI I generated animated GIF using answer I provided here: animated GIF

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