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Test & lt;/p>
Dim conn, connstr, db
The db="aa. MDB"
Set the conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
The db=server. MapPath (" SDK. MBD ")
Conn. Open "driver={Microsoft Access driver (*. MDB)}; DBQ="& amp; Bd
Conn. Open connstr
SQL="select * from tableTest";
Set the rs=dbconnection. Execute (SQL);
Rs. The open SQL, conn, 1, 1
the do while not rs.Response. Write (rs (" A1 "))
Rs. Movenext
Conn. Close
SQL. Close
Set the rs=nothing
Set the conn=nothing
<%=rs (" A1 ") % & gt;
<% % RSS. The close conn. Close & gt;