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Why is this seemingly slower C loop actually twice as fast as the other way?


I'm an R developer that uses C for algorithmic purposes and have a question about why a C loop that seems like it would be slow is actually faster than the alternative approach.

In R, our boolean type can actually have 3 values, true, false, and na, and we represent this using an int at the C level.

I'm looking into a vectorized && operation (yes we have this in R already, but bear with me) that also handles the na case. The scalar results would look like this:

 F && F == F
 F && T == F
 F && N == F

 T && F == F
 T && T == T
 T && N == N

 N && F == F
 N && T == N
 N && N == N

Note that it works like && in C except that na values propagate when combined with anything except false, in which case we "know" that && can never be true, so we return false.

Now to the implementation, assume we have two vectors v_out and v_x, and we'd like to perform the vectorized && on them. We are allowed to overwrite v_out with the result. One option is:

// Option 1
for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
  int elt_out = v_out[i];
  int elt_x = v_x[i];

  if (elt_out == 0) {
    // Done
  } else if (elt_x == 0) {
    v_out[i] = 0;
  } else if (elt_out == na) {
    // Done
  } else if (elt_x == na) {
    v_out[i] = na;

and another option is:

// Option 2
for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
  int elt_out = v_out[i];

  if (elt_out == 0) {

  int elt_x = v_x[i];

  if (elt_x == 0) {
    v_out[i] = 0;
  } else if (elt_out == na) {
    // Done
  } else if (elt_x == na) {
    v_out[i] = na;

I sort of expected the second option to be faster because it avoids accessing v_x[i] when it isn't required. But in fact it was twice as slow when compiled with -O2!

In the following script, I get the following timing results. Note that I am on a Mac and compile with clang.

Seems reasonable with O0, they are about the same.
2x faster with O2 with Option 1!

Option 1, `clang -O0`

Option 2, `clang -O0`

Option 1, `clang -O2`

Option 2, `clang -O2`

Can anyone explain what is going on here? My best guess is that it has something to do with the fact that in Option 1 v_x[i] is always being accessed linearly, which is extremely fast. But in Option 2, v_x[i] is essentially being accessed randomly (sort of) because it might access v_x[10] but then not need another element from v_x until v_x[120], and because that access isn't linear, it is probably much slower.

Reproducible script:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {

  int size = 1e7;
  int na = INT_MIN;

  int* v_out = (int*) malloc(size * sizeof(int));
  int* v_x = (int*) malloc(size * sizeof(int));

  // Generate random numbers between 1-3
  // 1 -> false
  // 2 -> true
  // 3 -> na
  for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
    int elt_out = rand() % 3   1;

    if (elt_out == 1) {
      v_out[i] = 0;
    } else if (elt_out == 2) {
      v_out[i] = 1;
    } else {
      v_out[i] = na;

    int elt_x = rand() % 3   1;

    if (elt_x == 1) {
      v_x[i] = 0;
    } else if (elt_x == 2) {
      v_x[i] = 1;
    } else {
      v_x[i] = na;

  clock_t start = clock();

  // Option 1
  for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
    int elt_out = v_out[i];
    int elt_x = v_x[i];

    if (elt_out == 0) {
      // Done
    } else if (elt_x == 0) {
      v_out[i] = 0;
    } else if (elt_out == na) {
      // Done
    } else if (elt_x == na) {
      v_out[i] = na;

  // // Option 2
  // for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
  //   int elt_out = v_out[i];
  //   if (elt_out == 0) {
  //     continue;
  //   }
  //   int elt_x = v_x[i];
  //   if (elt_x == 0) {
  //     v_out[i] = 0;
  //   } else if (elt_out == na) {
  //     // Done
  //   } else if (elt_x == na) {
  //     v_out[i] = na;
  //   }
  // }

  clock_t end = clock();
  double time = (double) (end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;


  printf("%f\n", time);
  return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Why is this seemingly slower C loop actually twice as fast as the other way?

At a high level, it is a quirk of the compiler and execution environment you are using. Unless array v_x is declared volatile, the compiler is free to interpret the two variations on your code exactly the same way.

I sort of expected the second option to be faster because it avoids accessing v_x[i] when it isn't required.

And if the compiler's optimizer judged that to be true, then it could make use of that judgement to conditionally avoid reading v_x[i] in conjunction with the first code.

But at a lower level, if the compiler generates code that indeed does conditionally avoid reading v_x[i] in option 2 but not in option 1, then you are probably observing the effects of branch misprediction in the option 2 case. It is entirely plausible that it is cheaper on average to read v_x[i] unconditionally than to suffer large numbers of branch misprediction penalties involving whether it should be read.

One of the takeaways is that on modern hardware, branches can be a lot more expensive than one might expect, especially when the branch is difficult for the CPU to predict. Where the same computation can be performed via a branchless approach, that may yield a performance win in practice, at, usually, a cost in source code clarity. @KarlKnechtel's answer presents a possible branchless (but for testing the for loop condition, which is pretty predictable) variation on the computation you are trying to perform.

CodePudding user response:

Note that it works like && in C except that na values propagate when combined with anything except false, in which case we "know" that && can never be true, so we return false.

Rather than represent the values as a strict enumeration, allow a numeric value of either 2 or 3 to represent na (you can check this when displaying, or have a normalization step after all the number-crunching). This way, no conditional logic (and thus no costly branch prediction) is needed: we simply logical-or the bit in the 2s place (regardless of the operator), and logical-and (or whichever operator) the bit in the 1s place.

int is_na(int value) {
    return value & 2;

void r_and_into(unsigned* v_out, unsigned* v_x, int size) {
  for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
    unsigned elt_out = v_out[i];
    unsigned elt_x = v_x[i];
    // this can probably be micro-optimized somehow....
    v_out[i] = (elt_out & elt_x & 1) | ((elt_out | elt_x) & 2);

If we are forced to use INT_MIN to represent the N/A value, we can start by observing what that looks like in 2s-complement: it has exactly one bit set (the sign bit, which would be most-significant in unsigned values). Thus, we can use that bit value instead of 2 with the same kind of unconditional logic, and then correct any (INT_MIN | 1) results to INT_MIN:

const unsigned MSB_FLAG = (unsigned)INT_MIN;

void r_and_into(int* v_out, int* v_x, int size) {
  for (int i = 0; i < size;   i) {
    unsigned elt_out = (unsigned)v_out[i];
    unsigned elt_x = (unsigned)v_x[i];
    elt_out = (elt_out & elt_x & 1) | ((elt_out | elt_x) & MSB_FLAG);
    // if the high bit is set, clear the low bit
    // I.E.: AND the low bit with the negation of the high bit.
    v_out[i] = (int)(elt_out & ~(elt_out >> 31));

(All these casts might not be necessary, but I think it is good practice to use unsigned types for bitwise manipulations. They should all get optimized away anyway.)

CodePudding user response:

If you want fast vectorized code, don't branch and don't do short-circuit eval. You want the compiler to be able to do 16 or 32 elements at once with SIMD operations, using 8-bit elements.

And you don't want the compiler to worry that it's not allowed to touch some memory because the C abstract machine doesn't. e.g. if all the v_out[i] elements are false, the v_x might be a NULL pointer without causing UB! So the compiler can't invent read access to objects that the C logic doesn't read at all.

If v_x is true array, not just a pointer, the compiler would know that it's readable and would be allowed to invent accesses to it by doing if-conversion of the short-circuit logic to branchless. But if its cost heuristics don't see a really big benefit (like auto-vectorization), it might choose not to. Branchy code will often in practice be slower with a random mix of trues and falses (and NAs).

Your 3-state bool that supports an NA state can be implemented with 2 bits, in a way that bitwise AND does your && operation. You can store arrays of it as one per unsigned char, or packed 4 per char to quadruple your throughput for vectorized operations, at the cost of slower access. (Or in general CHAR_BIT/2 per char, but on mainstream C implementations for x86 that's 4.)

  • F = 00
  • N = 10 (in binary, so C 0b10 aka 2)
  • T = 11
  • conversion to bool with val & 1.
  • conversion from bool with 0b11 * b or something to broadcast the low bit to both positions.

F & anything = 0 because F is all-zero bits. N&N == N; that's trivially true for any bit-pattern.
The "clever" part is that N&T = T&N = N, since the set bits in T are a superset of those in N.

This also works for || with bitwise |:
F|N == N and F|T == T because 0|x == x. Also x|x == x for any same input so we're still fine there.

N = 0b10 won't set the low bit when ORing, but will clear it when ANDing.

I forgot you said C instead of C , so this bare bones class wrapper (only sufficient to demo a few test callers) might not be relevant, but a loop doing c1[i] &= c2[i]; in plain C for unsigned char *c1, *c2 will auto-vectorize exactly the same way.

struct NBool{ // Nullable bool
    unsigned char val;
    static const unsigned char F = 0b00;
    static const unsigned char T = 0b11;
    static const unsigned char N = 0b10;  // N&T = N;  N&N = N;  N&F = F

    auto operator &=(NBool rhs){   // define && the same way if you want, as non-short-circuiting
        val &= rhs.val;
        return *this;
    operator bool() { return val & 1; }

    constexpr NBool(unsigned char x) : val(x) {};
    constexpr NBool& operator=(const NBool &) = default;


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

bool test(NBool a){
    return a;

bool test2(NBool a){
    NBool b = NBool::F;
    return a &= b;   // return false

void foo(size_t len, NBool *a1, NBool *a2 )
    for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < len ; i  ){
        a1[i] &= a2[i];

This compiles on Godbolt with GCC and clang. Clang auto-vectorizes fairly nicely with an unrolled loop doing vandps. (A bit of a weird choice by clang; on -march=haswell, vpand has better throughput.) But still limited by 1/clock store and 2/clock load anyway; this very much bottlenecks on load/store, even if the data is hot in L1d cache.

(Intel's optimization manual says that even though Skylake's peak L1d bandwidth is 2 loads 1 store per clock (96 bytes with 32-byte vectors), sustained bandwidth is more like 84 bytes per clock)

It can still come relatively close to 32 bytes ANDed per clock cycle, with AVX. So that's 32 NBool & operations, or 128 per clock if you pack 4 NBools per byte.

Packing NBools down to a packed bitmap of 1-bit bools could be done with pslld xmm, 7 / pmovmskb to extract the low bit of each byte (after shifting it to the high bit).

If stored 4 per byte, some SIMD bit-manipulation is in order to pack to bools, perhaps vpshufb as a 4-bit LUT to pack pairs of NBools down to a pair of bools in the bottom of a nibble, then combine? Or use scalar BMI2 pext to extract every other bit from 64 bits, if you're on Zen3 or Haswell or later, for fast pext.

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