I have a problem in regard to using Optim
My optimization problem involves a non-linear function.
Object function and its gradient are calculated by spline generations.
Hence, I add s
of Spline2
package on them.
However, this process consumes lots of time, although it gives an intended solution.
Even 4 times more than its R-programming counterpart.
(I can post the R code if it is needed)
I'm wondering that julia's Optim
package does not have good performance with theses kind of problems, like gradients having non-algebratic parts.
Here is a working example of my code.
using Splines2
using LinearAlgebra
using Optim
using Distributions
## basic settings (its codes are irrelevant to questions)
X = randn(n, p)
Y = randn(n, q)
B = ones(p, r) ./ p
G = ones(q, r) ./ q
Z = (X * B Y * G)
Z_c = Z .- mean(Z, dims = 1)
Z = Z_c ./ mapslices(std, Z_c, dims = 1)
theta = convert(Array{Float64}, LinRange(-3.8, 4, 5))
knots = convert(Array{Float64}, LinRange(-7.2, 7.5, 9))
coef = (3*diff(vcat(0, theta, 0)) ./ (knots[4:end] - knots[1:end-3]))[2:end-1]
function link_approx(x_v::Array)
local est; local der
est = bs(x_v, knots = knots, order = 4)[:, 3:end-3] * theta
der = bs(x_v, knots = knots, order = 3)[:, 3:end-3] * coef
return Dict{Symbol, Array{Float64}}(:est => est, :der => der)
## Why it takes so long time?
@time for j in 1:r
# for update G
function grad!(storage, gamma)
local linkfit
linkfit = link_approx(Y*gamma)
output = transpose(Y) * ((X*B[:,j] linkfit[:est] - Z[:,j]) .* linkfit[:der])./n
for i in 1:size(Y)[2]
storage[i] = output[i]
function obj(gamma)
return norm(Z[:,j] - X* B[:,j] - link_approx(Y*gamma)[:est], 2)^2/(2*n)
temp = optimize(obj, grad!, G[:,j], BFGS(), Optim.Options(iterations = Int(5e1)))
G[:,j] = Optim.minimizer(temp)
These codes spend about 5 seconds with my laptop (set 9th gen. Intel CPU i7-9750H, 16GB memory).
I think grad!
in my code has a problem.
I should use a for-loop filling its storage to avoid errors in my knowledge.
CodePudding user response:
You might also consider using another implementation of lbfgs
I tried the following, which seems faster.
using JSOSolvers, ManualNLPModels
@time for j in 1:r
function obj(gamma)
return norm(Z[:,j] - X* B[:,j] - link_approx(Y*gamma)[:est], 2)^2/(2*n)
function grad!(storage, gamma)
local linkfit
linkfit = link_approx(Y*gamma)
output = transpose(Y) * ((X*B[:,j] linkfit[:est] - Z[:,j]) .* linkfit[:der])./n
for i in 1:size(Y)[2]
storage[i] = output[i]
return storage
nvar = size(Y)[2]
x0 = zeros(nvar)
nlp = NLPModel(x0, obj, grad = grad!)
stats = lbfgs(nlp, max_eval = Int(5e1))
G[:,j] = stats.solution