I'm using Vue2 inside HTML.
Could anyone explains why isNameSet variable is undefined whereas it is set to !!name, and since name is a string (name: "yahya") and so !!name it is converted to true, so isNameSet should be true, right !?
Is it Vuejs problem, or what exactly ?!
Code :
<div id="my-id">
<h1> Welcome {{ name }} </h1>
<h2> {{ '!name : ' !name }} </h2>
<h2> {{ '!!name : ' !!name }} </h2>
<h2> {{ 'isNameSet: ' isNameSet }} </h2>
<h3 v-text="isNameSet ? 'Your name is set!' : 'Please, Set a name !' " > </h3>
<h3 v-text="!!name ? 'Your name is set!' : 'Please, Set a name !' " > </h3>
<script src="vue.js"></script>
var vm = new Vue({
el: "#my-id",
data: {
name: "yahya",
isNameSet: !!name
console.log("typeof name : ", typeof name)
console.log("typeof isNameSet : ", typeof isNameSet)
CodePudding user response:
data must be a function that return object:
data() {
return {
name: "yahay",
and you can access data property from for example computed property:
computed: {
isNameSet() {
return !!this.name
CodePudding user response:
The way you are accessing it is how you would in variable.
Even if you do access it like an object i.e
let obj = {
a: "this is A",
b: obj.a
it won't work.
You are currently defining what obj
is. How can you get a value you are currently trying to define?
That's just like doing the following:
let a = a
You can however just initialize first and set right after
let obj = { a: "this is A" }
obj.b = obj.a
or a getter which may/may not be the right answer
let obj = {
a: "this is A",
get b() {
return this.a
That will permanently reflect value of obj.a
and not just on initialization.
If you're using vue, i suggest just sticking with computed