Thunderbolt has its own file check mechanism, the classmate of seeds in each big popular sites to download above, will be automatic, batch into the thunderbolt sensitive seeds according to the library, so we can download the file, programmers will be downloaded to the thunderbolt, PT, unless everyone go, and with the public agreement,,,
To be clear here, thunder is to some kind of seed file encryption algorithm, the content of the files inside the seed file after break up, to such as MD5 hash, such as encryption,,
So thunderbolt download a seed file, will be put inside the seed file to each file encryption once, and then uploaded to the server to do the comparison,, so here is the so-called change to HOST the emergence of practices, such as,, but this is useless, for example, can put the request on other domain name, change the domain name can also have a variety of ways, so the change of the HOST was unreliable,
There are two ways to break off, the first one is cracking thunderbolt software itself, skip his authentication mechanism, it needs a driver, is more complex, and absolutely illegal, and is not to earn money, also won't someone cracked versions thunderbolt to sell, sell a catch,,,
Another is to change the seeds inside a need to download the file SHA code (and possibly MD5 code, etc.), and stored in the server code is not consistent, so changed code is simple, here is a free software BEncode Editor, as long as change the info in the content of the path (for example, to change the file name "hacker pursuit. MP4," changed to "pursue. MP4"), thereby change the corresponding file SHA code, and then download all normal acceleration sensitive resources,,,