Home > Net >  Running a Multi-service docker compose script in Google Compute Engine VM
Running a Multi-service docker compose script in Google Compute Engine VM


I have a docker-compose.yml file which specifies two services aaa and bbb as follows,

version: "3.4"

    platform: linux/amd64
    build: .
    image: aaa
      - ENV_VAR=1
      - ./data:/root/data
      - 5900:5900
    restart: on-failure
    image: bbb
    build: ./service_directory
    platform: linux/amd64
      - ./data:/root/data
      - 5901:5901
    restart: on-failure
      - aaa

I'm hoping to run both the above services simultaenously on a google cloud machine VM via cloudbuild.yaml which reads,

- name: 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/docker-compose'
  args: ['up']
  tags: ['cloud-builders-community']

My deployment script looks like


container=mycontainer # container name
pid=my-nginx-363907 # process id
instance=instance-${zone} # instance name

gcloud builds submit \
--tag gcr.io/${pid}/${container} \

gcloud compute instances create-with-container ${instance} \
--zone=${zone} \
--tags=http-server,https-server \
--machine-type=e2-micro \
--container-image gcr.io/${pid}/${container} \

gcloud compute instances list --project=${pid}

Here's my directory structure:

|  cloudbuild.yaml
|  docker-compose.yml
|  Dockerfile

The docker compose up command does kick in, but it appears to build only service aaa, and not bbb. What's worse is that the service aaa does not actually appear to run or have been installed in the VM instance. This is despite messages of apparent success:

ID                                    CREATE_TIME                DURATION  SOURCE                                                                                         IMAGES                                     STATUS
ab4785dd-7c4e-413d-acf6-1fdc64308387  2022-09-29T11:25:28 00:00  6M17S     gs://my-nginx-363907_cloudbuild/source/1664450585.644241-04488e692b644a6186d922270dfbe667.tgz  gcr.io/my-nginx-363907/aaa ( 1 more)  SUCCESS

Can someone please explain how to run both the services on Google Cloud Compute Engine VM as specified by the docker-compose.yml file?

CodePudding user response:

You probably need not use Cloud Build if you just want to run Docker Compose.

Cloud Build is often used (but not limited to) building container images.

You could (but need not) use Cloud Build to build the 2 container images that your docker-compose.yaml uses (aaa, bbb) but you would need to revise the cloudbuild.yaml to just perform the build and push steps and then you'd need to revise docker-compose.yaml to consume the images produced by Cloud Build.

I think you should create a Compute Engine VM ensure that Docker, Docker Compose and your build content (.) are available and then run your docker-compose.yaml as you would on any Linux machine.

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