Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume Return Date Week_Number Year Day Weekday mean_return volatility Long/Short
754 46.900002 46.900002 45.599998 46.500000 46.498928 1077800 0.758 2020-01-02 0 2020 2 Thursday -0.5995 1.919795 0
755 45.639999 46.160000 45.299999 45.590000 45.588947 860000 -1.957 2020-01-03 0 2020 3 Friday -0.5995 1.919795 0
756 45.000000 46.240002 44.590000 46.189999 46.188934 951500 1.316 2020-01-06 1 2020 6 Monday 1.5750 0.738242 1
757 46.400002 47.090000 46.029999 46.840000 46.838921 729600 1.407 2020-01-07 1 2020 7 Tuesday 1.5750 0.738242 1
758 46.830002 47.590000 46.660000 47.290001 47.288910 643600 0.961 2020-01-08 1 2020 8 Wednesday 1.5750 0.738242 1
I have this dataframe and I want to executive this calculation. If "Long/Short" == 1, then buy at the "Close" and sell at the "Open" of the NEXT DAY.
Similarly, if "Long/Short" == 0, then sell at "Close" and buy at "Open" of the NEXT DAY.
I start with $100 to invest.
How do I go about iterating over that? Can i use itertuples() but if so, how do I tell python if i buy today, i sell tomorrow OR if i sell tomorrow I buy today in a for loop?
Essentially what I'm trying to ask it to do is with whatever result I get for that day, either buy or sell with the "Open" price for the row below it.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
CodePudding user response:
OP's dataframe is as follows
df = pd.DataFrame({'Open': [46.900002, 45.639999, 45.000000, 46.400002, 46.830002],
'High': [46.900002, 46.160000, 46.240002, 47.090000, 47.590000],
'Low': [45.599998, 45.299999, 44.590000, 46.029999, 46.660000],
'Close': [46.500000, 45.590000, 46.189999, 46.840000, 47.290001],
'Adj Close': [46.498928, 45.588947, 46.188934, 46.838921, 47.288910],
'Volume': [1077800, 860000, 951500, 729600, 643600],
'Return': [0.758, -1.957, 1.316, 1.407, 0.961],
'Date': ['2020-01-02', '2020-01-03', '2020-01-06', '2020-01-07', '2020-01-08'],
'Week_Number': [0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
'Year': [2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020],
'Day': [2, 3, 6, 7, 8],
'Weekday': ['Thursday', 'Friday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday'],
'mean_return': [-0.5995, -0.5995, 1.5750, 1.5750, 1.5750],
'volatility': [1.919795, 1.919795, 0.738242, 0.738242, 0.738242],
'Long/Short': [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]})
Open High Low ... mean_return volatility Long/Short
0 46.900002 46.900002 45.599998 ... -0.5995 1.919795 0
1 45.639999 46.160000 45.299999 ... -0.5995 1.919795 0
2 45.000000 46.240002 44.590000 ... 1.5750 0.738242 1
3 46.400002 47.090000 46.029999 ... 1.5750 0.738242 1
4 46.830002 47.590000 46.660000 ... 1.5750 0.738242 1
If I understood correctly, OP is looking for a function that will take as input the dataframe, and the initial capital, that will go through the dataframe rows and:
, then buy stock at theClose
price and sell the stock as theOpen
price of the next day.If
, then sell the stock at theClose
price and buy the stock as theOpen
price of the next day.
That function would be something like
def simulate_capital(df, initial_capital):
# Create a variable called capital
capital = initial_capital
# Create a variable called i
i = 0
# Create a variable called last_day
last_day = len(df) - 1
# Create a while loop that iterates while i is less than the last_day
while i < last_day:
# If the Long/Short value is 1
if df.loc[i, 'Long/Short'] == 1:
# Buy the stock at the "Close" price
capital = capital - df.loc[i, 'Close']
# Sell the stock at the "Open" price of the next day
capital = capital df.loc[i 1, 'Open']
# If the Long/Short value is 0
if df.loc[i, 'Long/Short'] == 0:
# Sell the stock at the "Close" price
capital = capital df.loc[i, 'Close']
# Buy the stock at the "Open" price of the next day
capital = capital - df.loc[i 1, 'Open']
# Increment i
i = i 1
# Return the final capital
return capital
If one applies the function to the dataframe df
using the initial_capital
as 100
, one will get the following
result = simulate_capital(df, 100)
[Out]: 101.65000599999999
which means that, with that dataframe, if one started with 100
, one would end up with 101.65000599999999