Using System; Using System. Collections. Generic; Using System.Com ponentModel; Using System. The Data; Using System. Drawing; Using System. The Text; Using System. Windows. Forms; Using DevExpress. XtraEditors. Controls; Using DevExpress. XtraEditors; Using HttSoft. FrameFunc; Using HttSoft. Framework; Using HttSoft. JTERP. Data; Using HttSoft. JTERP. DataCtl; Using HttSoft. JTERP. Sys. Using DevExpress. The XtraGrid. Views. The Base;
The namespace JTERP { Public partial class frmCloutBCStep: BaseForm { Public frmCloutBCStep () { InitializeComponent (); }
# region custom virtual method to define/need to modify the ///& lt; Summary> ///bind the Grid ///& lt;/summary> Public override void GetCondtion () { String tempStr=string. The Empty; //