Home > Net > "The Button1_Click" is not a member of the "ASP. Default_aspx". How to solve?
"The Button1_Click" is not a member of the "ASP. Default_aspx". How to solve?
No title page & lt;/title>
Old code: & lt;/td>
The Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="please provide a password" & gt; * & lt;/asp: RequiredFieldValidator> The Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="length of password must be between eight and 20 characters!" ValidationExpression=". 8, 20} {" & gt;
The new secret code: & lt;/td>
The Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="please provide a password" & gt; * & lt;/asp: RequiredFieldValidator> The Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="length of password must be between eight and 20 characters!" ValidationExpression=". 8, 20} {" & gt;
Enter a new password again: & lt;/td>
The Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="please provide a password" & gt; * & lt;/asp: RequiredFieldValidator> The Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="length of password must be between eight and 20 characters!" ValidationExpression=". 8, 20} {" & gt;