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Failed to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version= you are, Culture


Failed to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version= you are, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" or one of its dependencies, the System cannot find the specified file,
Note: during the execution of the current Web request, abnormal untreated, please check the stack trace, to learn about the errors and mistakes in the code of the source of detailed information,

Exception details: System. IO. FileNotFoundException: failed to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version= you are, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" or one of its dependencies, the System cannot find the specified file,

The error source:

Generated during execution of the current Web request handled without exception, you can use the exception stack trace below information to determine the reason and the location of the abnormal information,

Assembly load trace: the following information will help determine the assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version= you are, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" failed to load,

======pre binding state information
Log: DisplayName=System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version= you are, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35
(Fully - specified)
Log: Appbase=file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/
Log: initial PrivatePath=C: \ Users \ \ Desktop \ BrnShop \ DELL Presentation \ BrnShop Web \ bin
The caller sets: System. Web. Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35,
Logging: this binding starting load default context,
Log: are using the application configuration file: C: \ Users \ \ Desktop \ BrnShop \ DELL Presentation \ BrnShop Web \ Web. Config
Log: use the host configuration file: C: \ Users \ \ Documents \ DELL IISExpress \ config \ aspnet config
Log: use C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ config \ machine config computer configuration file,
Log: found in the application configuration file to redirect: you are has been redirected to,
Log: after strategy reference: System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/AppData/Local/Temp/Temporary ASP.NET Files/root/43 ac9b32 d4eed1fb//System. Web. WebPages. Razor. DLL,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/AppData/Local/Temp/Temporary ASP.NET Files/root/43 ac9b32 d4eed1fb//System. Web. WebPages. Razor/System. Web. WebPages. Razor. DLL,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.DLL,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.DLL,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/plugins/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.DLL,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/plugins/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.DLL,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/AppData/Local/Temp/Temporary ASP.NET Files/root/43 ac9b32 d4eed1fb//System. Web. WebPages. Razor. EXE,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/AppData/Local/Temp/Temporary ASP.NET Files/root/43 ac9b32 d4eed1fb//System. Web. WebPages. Razor/System. Web. WebPages. Razor. EXE,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.EXE,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.EXE,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/plugins/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.EXE,
Log: try to download the new URL file:///C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/BrnShop/Presentation/BrnShop.Web/plugins/bin/System.Web.WebPages.Razor/System.Web.WebPages.Razor.EXE,

The stack trace:

[FileNotFoundException: failed to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version= you are, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" or one of its dependencies, the System cannot find the specified file,]

[FileNotFoundException: failed to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" or one of its dependencies, the System cannot find the specified file,]
System. Web. Mvc. PreApplicationStartCode. The Start () + 0

[InvalidOperationException: according to the type System. Web. Mvc. PreApplicationStartCode application startup initialization method Start caused abnormal, display the following error message: unable to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" or one of its dependencies, the System cannot find the specified file,,]
System.Web.Com pilation. BuildManager. InvokePreStartInitMethodsCore (ICollection ` 1 the methods, the Func ` setHostingEnvironmentCultures) 1 + 615
System.Web.Com pilation. BuildManager. InvokePreStartInitMethods (ICollection ` 1 the methods) + 141
System.Web.Com pilation. BuildManager. CallPreStartInitMethods (String preStartInitListPath, Boolean& IsRefAssemblyLoaded) + 102
System.Web.Com pilation. BuildManager. ExecutePreAppStart (+ 157)
System. Web. Hosting. HostingEnvironment. The Initialize (ApplicationManager appManager, IApplicationHost appHost, IConfigMapPathFactory configMapPathFactory, HostingEnvironmentParameters hostingParameters, PolicyLevel PolicyLevel, Exception appDomainCreationException) + 549

X80004005 [HttpException (0) : according to the type System. Web. Mvc. PreApplicationStartCode application Start caused abnormal startup initialization method, according to the following error message: unable to load file or assembly "System. Web. WebPages. Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31 bf3856ad364e35" or one of its dependencies, the System cannot find the specified file,,]
System. Web. The HttpRuntime. FirstRequestInit (HttpContext context) + 10074716
System. Web. The HttpRuntime. EnsureFirstRequestInit (HttpContext context) + 95