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Jetpack Compose wrapContentHeight/ heightIn is adding aditional space around the buttons


I am learning Jetpack Compose, and I've created a few set of buttons as a practice.

This is the button

fun MyButton(
    text: String,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    isEnabled: Boolean = true,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
) {

            enabled = isEnabled,
            onClick = { onClick() },
            modifier = modifier.width(270.dp).wrapContentHeight(),
        ) {
                text = text,
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.button

The problem is, that if i set the height of the button to wrapContentHeight or use heightIn with different max and min vallues, compose automatically adds a space around the button as seen here

preview button wrapContentHeight

But if i remove WrapContent, and use a fixed height, or define same min and max height for heightIn this probblem does not appear

fun MyButton(
    text: String,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    isEnabled: Boolean = true,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
) {

            enabled = isEnabled,
            onClick = { onClick() },
            modifier = modifier.width(270.dp).height(36.dp),
        ) {
                text = text,
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.button


preview fixed height

And this is the code used for the column/preview of the functions:

private fun SampleScreen() {
        Surface(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
            color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,){
                horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(10.dp, Alignment.CenterVertically),
                modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp)
            ) {
                var isEnabled by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

                MyButton("Enable/Disable") {
                    isEnabled = !isEnabled
                MyButton("Button") {}
                MyButton(text = "Disabled Button", isEnabled = isEnabled) {}

Even if I remove the spacedBy operator from column the same issue appears.

I have tried to search for an explanation to this, but I did not manage to find anything.

Any help or resource with explanations is appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

This is because Minimum dimension of Composables touch area is 48.dp by default for accessibility. However you can override this by using

    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalMinimumTouchTargetEnforcement provides false) {
        enabled = isEnabled,
        onClick = { onClick() },
        modifier = modifier.heightIn(min = 20.dp)
                .widthIn(min = 20.dp),
    ) {
            text = text,
            style = MaterialTheme.typography.button

Or something like

   Button(modifier = Modifier.absoluteOffset((-12).dp, 0.dp)){
                text = text,
                style = MaterialTheme.typography.button
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