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Impossible to type "System. The Data. The DataSet" implicitly converted to "System. D


DBClass dbObj=new DBClass ();

Protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (! IsPostBack)
//call CommonClass acquisition data sets the GetDataSet
The DataSet ds=dbObj. GetDataSet (" select * from tb_News where id='" + Request. The QueryString (" id ") + "' ", "tbNews");
DataRow [] row=ds. Tables [r]. "tbNews" Select ();

DBClass cs in this part of the

Public DataTable GetDataSet (string strSql, string TableName)

Ds=new DataSet ();

MyConn=GetConnection ();//connected to the database
Adapt=new SqlDataAdapter (strSql, myConn);//instantiate the SqlDataAdapter class object
Adapt. The Fill (ds, TableName);//fill data set
Return the ds. Tables [TableName];//returns the data set DataSet table collection

The catch (Exception ex)
Throw new Exception (ex. The Message, the ex);

The finally
{//disconnected, release resources
MyConn. Close ();
Adapt the Dispose ();
Ds. The Dispose ();
MyConn. The Dispose ();


Super novice, looking at a book playing ~ don't know how to solve?
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CodePudding user response:

The DataSet ds=dbObj. GetDataSet (" select * from tb_News where id='" + Request. The QueryString (" id ") + "' ", "tbNews");
DataRow [] row=ds. Tables [r]. "tbNews" Select ();

Instead of
The DataTable dt=dbObj. GetDataSet (" select * from tb_News where id='" + Request. The QueryString (" id ") + "' ", "tbNews");
DataRow [] row=dt. The Select ();

Public DataTable GetDataSet (string strSql, string TableName)

Ds=new DataSet ();

MyConn=GetConnection ();//connected to the database
Adapt=new SqlDataAdapter (strSql, myConn);//instantiate the SqlDataAdapter class object
Adapt. The Fill (ds, TableName);//fill data set
Return the ds. Tables [TableName];//returns the data set DataSet table collection

Instead of
Public DataSet GetDataSet (string strSql, string TableName)

Ds=new DataSet ();

MyConn=GetConnection ();//connected to the database
Adapt=new SqlDataAdapter (strSql, myConn);//instantiate the SqlDataAdapter class object
Adapt. The Fill (ds, TableName);//fill data set
Return the ds;//returns the data set DataSet table collection

According to you the name of the method, recommend the second, other

CodePudding user response:

The DataSet ds=dbObj. GetDataSet (" select * from tb_News where id='" + Request. The QueryString (" id ") + "' ", "tbNews");
To the DataTable ds=dbObj. GetDataSet (" select * from tb_News where id='" + Request. The QueryString (" id ") + "' ", "tbNews");

CodePudding user response:

Your method return type is a DataTable, but you are using the DataSet to receive

CodePudding user response:

Suggest you go to check the difference between the datatable and dataset, will seconds to understand

CodePudding user response:

The DataSet contains multiple DataTable
If you want to take the table requires that the DataSet ds=new DataSet ();
Ds. Tables int/string
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