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How to Calculate Active Users in a month, using date range?


I have a requirement to calculate active users in a given a month and year by the user type. I have date range for each user with start date and end date. A user with an open ended date is an active user and has to be counted from the beginning of time till current date (year month).

3673246 INTERNAL 1/1/2022 12/31/2999
1813148 INTERNAL 1/1/2022 12/31/2999
407508 INTERNAL 1/1/2022 3/1/2022
836682 EXTERNAL 2/1/2022 12/31/2999
1107520 EXTERNAL 2/1/2022 6/1/2022
2289472 INTERNAL 2/1/2022 12/31/2999
1833644 EXTERNAL 3/1/2022 12/31/2999


202201 INTERNAL 2
202201 EXTERNAL 0
202202 INTERNAL 2
202202 EXTERNAL 2
202203 INTERNAL 1
202203 EXTERNAL 2
202204 INTERNAL 3
202204 EXTERNAL 2

CodePudding user response:

I believe this example query is what you are trying to do. However, I don't agree with your expected results. For example, in January 2022, you have an active count of 2 for "Internal", but, even adding up the users by hand, I see 3 that were active in January. Test it out yourself:

--Create table variable to hold test data.
    [user_id] int
    , user_type nvarchar(50)
    , [start_date] datetime
    , end_date datetime

--Load up some test data.
INSERT INTO @testData ([user_id], user_type, [start_date], end_date)

--First CTE "x" is used to create a sequence of 10 numbers.
WITH x as (
    SELECT * FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) as x(a)
--Second CTE "y" creates a sequence of 1000 numbers.
, y as (
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY hundreds.a, tens.a, ones.a) as row_num
    FROM x as ones, x as tens, x as hundreds
--Third CTE "months" creates a sequence of months going back in time from today.
--To go farther back than 1000 months, modify the "y" CTE to have a "thousands" (or more) table(s).
, months as (
        DATEADD(month, -1 * y.row_num, GETDATE()) as [date]
        , CAST(YEAR(DATEADD(month, -1 * y.row_num, GETDATE())) as nvarchar(6))
            RIGHT('00'   CAST(MONTH(DATEADD(month, -1 * y.row_num, GETDATE())) as nvarchar(6)),2) as YEAR_MONTH
    FROM y
    , utype.user_type
    , COUNT(td.[user_id]) as active_user_count
FROM months as m
    --This join makes sure there is a 0 qty record for every month even
    --if there are no active users in the month for this user_type.
    JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT user_type FROM @testData) as utype
        ON 1=1

    --This joins our test data to the 2 tables above.
    --We make sure the month in m is after the users' start dates
    --and before the users' end dates.
    LEFT OUTER JOIN @testData as td
        ON td.user_type = utype.user_type
        AND td.[start_date] <= CAST(m.[date] as date)
        AND td.end_date >= CAST(m.[date] as date)
WHERE m.[date] >= '1/1/2022 00:00:00' --Limiting results to just 2022
    , utype.user_type
ORDER BY m.YEAR_MONTH, utype.user_type
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