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How to show all users filtering with an atrribute?


I want to show only the emails of my users, this is my controller

def all
  Jbuilder.new do |json|
  json.array! User.all, :email

I am trying to do that using jbuilder, but when I do the request, it does not give nothing

It say:

No template found for Api::V1::UserController#all, rendering head :no_content

this is my route:

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  mount Sidekiq::Web => '/internal/sidekiq'

  mount Flipper::UI.app(Flipper,
                        { rack_protection:
                          { except: %i[authenticity_token form_token json_csrf remote_token http_origin
                                       session_hijacking] } }), at: '/internal/flipper'

  namespace :api do
    namespace :v1, defaults: { format: :json} do
      get '/all', to: 'users#all'

CodePudding user response:

Firstly you need to assign instance varible in the controller action to pass it to jbuider view

def all
  @users = User.all

Than build JSON in app/views/api/v1/user/all.json.jbuilder. BTW controller names are usually plural, users is better than user

json.array! @users, :email, :name

It will generate JSON like this

[{ "email": "email1", "name": "Name1" }, { "email": "email2", "name": "Name2" }]

CodePudding user response:

The code you are showing looks like its missing an end for your do block - thats not the error though.

Without further digging I think you might not have a corresponding view file, something like views/users/index.json.jbuilder. inside there you might want to stick your jbuilder stuff (going with the rails convention):

# users_controller.rb
def index
  @users = User.all

# views/users/index.json.jbuilder
json.array! @users do |user|
  json.extract! user, :email, :name

you are using an all action in your controller however and if your route for that is fine you can swap index for all

# users_controller.rb
def all
  @users = User.all

# views/users/all.json.jbuilder
json.array! @users do |user|
  json.extract! user, :email, :name

its always good to take a look at the docs when you bump up against this kinda stuff: jbuilder gem

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