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Golang : create an interface to abstract a method which may have have variable argument


I wrote some code that create "humans". Humans have birthday every 100 ms, and you can subscribe to the event like this:

    pers1 := new(Human)

    pers1.Subscribe(func(h Human) { fmt.Printf("Observer1 : %s", h.String()); return })
    pers1.Subscribe(func(h Human) { fmt.Printf("Observer2 : %s", h.String()); return })

    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

Output is the following

HUMAN John is born  // by init
HUMAN John is now followed by 0x4901a0   // by subscribe
There is now 1 observers
HUMAN John is now followed by 0x490300   // by subscribe
There is now 2 observers

[T 0100ms]

HUMAN John has its birthday      // after 100ms : birthday happens
Observer1 : HUMAN : John is 1   // callback
Observer2 : HUMAN : John is 1   // callback
// ... continue for 3 seconds

Detailed code is here, but the problem is not there https://goplay.tools/snippet/7qsZ1itcqrS

My question is the following:

I would like to create an interface Producer corresponding to things producing events I can subscribe on.

You can subscribe to:

  • Human that have birthday
  • Humidity sensors that can detect a change in humidity
  • Mail servers that got a mail...

In my example, the callback function has as argument : a Human. The one whose age changed...

In the same manner, a given event for a humidity sensor would expected the sensor struct.

My question is

  • is there a sense to do such I think? ( This is a scholar question, things work without)
  • if yes, how. I wasn't able to find relevant example

That would be

type Producer interface{ 
     Subscribe( func( < something variable >) )

I wasn't able to get something working. Also I had difficult to find a good title to the question. Feel free to give me a better one.

CodePudding user response:

Depending on what you need, there are three options that might work for you here.

Option 1: Common Interface for Published Items

Create an interface not only for publishers that can have subscribers, but for the sort of things that those publishers can publish:

type Item interface{
  Description() string
  Age() int

type human struct{
  age int

func (h *human) Description() string {
  return "human"

func (h *human) Age() int {
  return h.age

type Publisher interface{

type humanProducer struct{
  subscribers []func(Item)

func (hp *humanProducer) Subscribe(f func(Item) {
  hp.subscribers = append(hp.subscribers, f)

// Example use
func addSubscriber(p Publisher, f func(Item)) {

func main() {
  hp := &humanProducer{}
  addSubscriber(p, func(i Item) {
    fmt.Printf("Got a %s that is %d years old.\n", i.Description(), i.Age())

You can now set up other types of things to be published by having them implement the Item interface. The Description and Age methods here are just examples - you could add whatever methods there you need.


  • Avoids reflection.
  • Avoids type parameters; works in versions before Go 1.18.
  • A subscriber can receive multiple kinds of items.
  • A publisher can publish multiple kinds of items.


  • Published items can't just be anything - you have to define a pre-determined set of functionality that all kinds of published items must have.
  • Published items are hidden behind an interface, so you can only use the functionality exposed in the Item interface unless you start casting or using reflection.

Option 2: Interface using Type Parameters

Add type parameters to the interface itself:

type human struct{
  age int

type Publisher[T any] interface{

type humanProducer struct{
  subscribers []func(*human)

func (hp *humanProducer) Subscribe(f func(*human) {
  hp.subscribers = append(hp.subscribers, f)

// Example use
func addSubscriber[T any](p Publisher[T], f func(T)) {

func main() {
  hp := &humanProducer{}
  addSubscriber[*human](p, func(h *human) {
    fmt.Printf("Got a human that is %d years old.\n", h.age)


  • Avoids reflection.
  • No restrictions on the sorts of things that can be published.
  • Published items aren't hidden behind an interface.


  • Publishers can only publish one certain kind of item.
  • Subscribers can only receive one certain kind of item.
  • Any use of the Publisher interface requires use of type parameters. Only works in Go 1.18 or later.

Option 3: Reflection/Casting

Allow publishers to publish anything and use reflection or casting in subscribers to sort out what kind of thing was published:

type human struct{
  age int

type Publisher interface{

type humanProducer struct{
  subscribers []func(any)

func (hp *humanProducer) Subscribe(f func(any) {
  hp.subscribers = append(hp.subscribers, f)

// Example use
func addSubscriber(p Publisher, f func(any)) {

func main() {
  hp := &humanProducer{}
  addSubscriber(p, func(i any) {
    if h, ok := any.(*human); ok {
      fmt.Printf("Got a human that is %d years old.\n", h.age)

If using Go pre-1.18, replace any with interface{}. This option is sort of the same thing as option 1, except with an empty Item interface.


  • Avoids type parameters; works in versions before Go 1.18.
  • No restrictions on the sorts of things that can be published.
  • Published items aren't hidden behind an interface.
  • A subscriber can receive multiple kinds of items.
  • A publisher can publish multiple kinds of items.


  • Requires reflection or casting, which is slow, awkward, and less safe.
  • Subscribers will have to do extra work to figure out what kind of item they received.
  •  Tags:  
  • go
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