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Elasticsearch - [function_score] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]


I have a query in PHP that is already working and now i want to expand it with function_score. The goal is that i can boost more recent content based on a timestamp.

I found this article https://discuss.elastic.co/t/how-to-prioritize-more-recent-content/134100 and was also reading this doc https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-function-score-query.html.

I guess its some kind of misplacement the new part but i can't figure out where to put it. Im pretty new to Elasticsearch.

The error

        "reason":"[function_score] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]"

The new part

                         'function_score' => [
                            'functions' => [
                                ['filter'=> [
                                    'range' => [
                                        'tstamp' => [
                                            'gte' => 'now-1y',
                                            'lte'  => 'now'
                                    'weight' => 5
                                ['filter' => [
                                    'range' => [
                                        'tstamp' => [
                                            'gte' => 'now-3yr',
                                            'lte' => 'now-1yr'
                                    'weight' => 2
                            'boost_mode' => 'multiply'

The full query

                    'query' => [
                        'function_score' => [
                            'functions' => [
                                ['filter'=> [
                                    'range' => [
                                        'tstamp' => [
                                            'gte' => 'now-1y',
                                            'lte'  => 'now'
                                    'weight' => 5
                                ['filter' => [
                                    'range' => [
                                        'tstamp' => [
                                            'gte' => 'now-3yr',
                                            'lte' => 'now-1yr'
                                    'weight' => 2
                            'boost_mode' => 'multiply'
                        'bool' => [
                            'filter' => [
                                ['range' => [
                                    'starttime' => ['lte' => $now],
                            'must' => [
                                ["multi_match" => [
                                    'fuzziness' =>  'auto',
                                    'query' => $_REQUEST['kw'],
                                    'fields' => [
                                ['bool' => [
                                    'should' => [
                                        ['match' => ['sys_language_uid' =>  $sysLanguageUid]],
                                        ['match' => ['sys_language_uid' => -1]],
                                    'minimum_should_match' => 1,
                            'must_not' => [
                                ['match' => ['hidden' => 1]],
                                ['match' => ['deleted' => 1]],
                                ['match' => ['no_search' => 1]]

Any help is much appreciated

CodePudding user response:

I found the solution. Here is the full query that works. I hope it helps someone else.

                    'query' => [
                        'function_score' => [
                            'query' => [
                                'bool' => [
                                    'filter' => [
                                        ['range' => [
                                            'starttime' => ['lte' => $now],
                                    'should' => [
                                        ['multi_match' => [
                                            'query' => $keyword,
                                            'fields' => [
                                            'boost' => 3,
                                            'operator' => 'and'
                                        ['multi_match' => [
                                            'query' => $keyword,
                                            'fields' => [
                                            'boost' => 2
                                        ['multi_match' => [
                                            'fuzziness' =>  'auto',
                                            'query' => $keyword,
                                            'fields' => [
                                    'must' => [
                                        ['bool' => [
                                            'should' => [
                                                ['match' => ['sys_language_uid' =>  $sysLanguageUid]],
                                                ['match' => ['sys_language_uid' => -1]],
                                            'minimum_should_match' => 1,
                                    'must_not' => [
                                        ['match' => ['hidden' => 1]],
                                        ['match' => ['deleted' => 1]],
                                        ['match' => ['no_search' => 1]]
                            'functions' => [
                                ['filter'=> [
                                    'range' => [
                                        'tstamp' => [
                                            'gte' => $now - 31556952,
                                            'lte'  => $now
                                    'weight' => 3
                                ['filter' => [
                                    'range' => [
                                        'tstamp' => [
                                            'gte' => $now - 94670856,
                                            'lte' => $now - 31556952
                                    'weight' => 2
                            'boost_mode' => 'multiply'
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