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How to mock OAuth2 token introspect using Spock


I have a spring-boot Webflux application and I am writing some tests using Spock and Groovy.

My Controllers are secured with OAuth opaque token which I need to mock a response from introspection. My test properties are:


My test uses WebClient as below:

    .headers(http -> http.setBearerAuth("bearer_token"))

CodePudding user response:

I found the solution.

You have to configure WireMockServer and then stub the response. Working solution below:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class SomeTest extends Specification {

  private static final int PORT = 8089;

  private WireMockServer wireMockServer;

  def setup() {
    wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(options().port(PORT))
    WireMock.configureFor("localhost", wireMockServer.port())

  def stubIntrospection() {
            .withHeader("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)

  def "my test case" () {


    //my test here    


CodePudding user response:

There is no difference between Spock and JUnit when mocking spring security-context. You can provide with mocked Authentication for both unit (@WebFluxTest) and integration (@SpringBootTest) with either:

  • org.springframework.security.test.web.reactive.server.SecurityMockServerConfigurers.mockOpaqueToken mutator for WebTestClient
  • @WithMockBearerTokenAuthentication annotation.

Mocked BearerTokenAuthentication, Spring's auth implementation for token introspection (unless you explicitly changed it in your conf), is put in test security-context directly by annotation or mutator: authorization header is not introspected (it is completely ignored and can be omitted).

Sample (with JUnit, just adapt to your test framework) in this project:

void securedRouteWithAuthorizedPersonnelViaMutatorIsOk() throws Exception {
            .attributes(attributes -> attributes.put(StandardClaimNames.PREFERRED_USERNAME, "Ch4mpy"))
            .authorities(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_AUTHORIZED_PERSONNEL")))

    authorities = "ROLE_AUTHORIZED_PERSONNEL",
    attributes = @OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "Ch4mpy"))
void securedRouteWithAuthorizedPersonnelViaAnnotationIsOk() throws Exception {

When testing other secured @Component type than @Controller (like @Service or @Repository), only test annotation is usable as there is no HTTP request:

@Import({ SecurityConfig.class, SecretRepo.class })
class SecretRepoTest {
    // auto-wire tested component
    SecretRepo secretRepo;

    void whenNotAuthenticatedThenThrows() {
        // call tested components methods directly (do not use MockMvc nor
        // WebTestClient)
        assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> secretRepo.findSecretByUsername("ch4mpy").block());

    @WithMockBearerTokenAuthentication(attributes = @OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "Tonton Pirate"))
    void whenAuthenticatedAsSomeoneElseThenThrows() {
        assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> secretRepo.findSecretByUsername("ch4mpy").block());

    @WithMockBearerTokenAuthentication(attributes = @OpenIdClaims(preferredUsername = "ch4mpy"))
    void whenAuthenticatedWithSameUsernameThenReturns() {
        assertEquals("Don't ever tell it", secretRepo.findSecretByUsername("ch4mpy").block());

Annotation is available from


Which is a transient dependency of


I used the later in sample to also have WebTestClientSupport, but first is enough for just test annotations.

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