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how to identify and get buy/sale/net transaction monthly


i have a table named 'balance' like this

user_id    date         transaction_amount 
123        2021-08-30   1000
123        2021-08-31   500 
456        2021-09-30   -750 
789        2021-09-30   50

i need to know total buy/sell/net transaction on monthly level (end-of-period/eop) which :

buy = transaction > 0
sell = transaction < 0
net = total buy = total sell

how to write the code?

so far i've tried

eop_trans = df_balance.groupby([df_balance['user_id'], df_balance['date'].dt.to_period('M')])['transaction_amount'].sum()

that code only return total amount of transaction per user_id per month

anyone can help? thank you very much

CodePudding user response:

Assuming that the dataframe is called df, first, make sure that the colum date is of datetime

df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])

Then, if I understood correctly, the following will do the work

df_new = df.groupby(['user_id', pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='M')]).sum().reset_index()

df_new['buy'] = np.where(df_new['transaction_amount'] > 0, df_new['transaction_amount'], 0)

df_new['sell'] = np.where(df_new['transaction_amount'] < 0, df_new['transaction_amount'], 0)

df_new['net'] = df_new['buy']   df_new['sell']

df_new = df_new[['user_id', 'date', 'buy', 'sell', 'net']]


   user_id       date   buy  sell   net
0      123 2021-08-31  1500     0  1500
1      456 2021-09-30     0  -750  -750
2      789 2021-09-30    50     0    50

Let us breakdown the steps to make it clearer.

Start by grouping by user_id with pandas.DataFrame.groupby

df_new = df.groupby(['user_id', pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='M')]).sum().reset_index()


   user_id       date  transaction_amount
0      123 2021-08-31                1500
1      456 2021-09-30                -750
2      789 2021-09-30                  50

Then, let us first create the column buy. For that one will be using numpy.where

df_new['buy'] = np.where(df_new['transaction_amount'] > 0, df_new['transaction_amount'], 0)


   user_id       date  transaction_amount   buy
0      123 2021-08-31                1500  1500
1      456 2021-09-30                -750     0
2      789 2021-09-30                  50    50

For the column sell one will be using numpy.where as well

df_new['sell'] = np.where(df_new['transaction_amount'] < 0, df_new['transaction_amount'], 0)


   user_id       date  transaction_amount   buy  sell
0      123 2021-08-31                1500  1500     0
1      456 2021-09-30                -750     0  -750
2      789 2021-09-30                  50    50     0

For the net column, one will do the following

df_new['net'] = df_new['buy']   df_new['sell']


   user_id       date  transaction_amount   buy  sell   net
0      123 2021-08-31                1500  1500     0  1500
1      456 2021-09-30                -750     0  -750  -750
2      789 2021-09-30                  50    50     0    50

Finally, as one doesn't want transaction_amount to show up, one can select the desired columns as follows

df_new = df_new[['user_id', 'date', 'buy', 'sell', 'net']]


   user_id       date   buy  sell   net
0      123 2021-08-31  1500     0  1500
1      456 2021-09-30     0  -750  -750
2      789 2021-09-30    50     0    50

CodePudding user response:

Use numpy.where for distinguish buy/sell, aggregate sum and reshape by Series.unstack, last if necessary sum both columns use DataFrame.assign:

eop_trans = (df_balance.groupby([df_balance['user_id'], 
                    np.where(df_balance['transaction_amount'].gt(0), 'buy', 'sell')])
         .assign(net = lambda x: x.sum(axis=1)))
print (eop_trans)
                  buy  sell   net
user_id date                     
123     2021-08  1500     0  1500
456     2021-09     0  -750  -750
789     2021-09    50     0    50
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