I am trying to pass some values as array on jobExport()
collection and am getting an error Call to a member function jobsExport() on array
. I understand that the collection need to populatet with modal collection value, but am trying to export multiple record(only record i select) from table , and to make this happend i thing i need to pass value as array from control to modal method, i have searched a loot to find a solution for this but i dont find anythin yet. Here is what i have done
Route::any('export/jobs/{jobs}', [JobController::class, 'export']);
Pass data from vue to laravel
watch: {
selected: function(){
this.url = '/export/jobs/' this.selected;
// After sending request on backend route will look like this,2,4
Laravel controller
public function export($jobs)
return Excel::download(new JobsExport($jobs), 'jobs.xlsx');
Model Method
public function jobsExport()
return Job::with('templates', 'teams')
->whereHas('templates', function ($q) {
$q->where('id', $this->id);
class JobsExport implements WithStyles, FromCollection, WithMapping, WithHeadings
use Exportable;
private $jobs;
public function __construct($jobs)
$this->jobs = $jobs;
public function collection()
return $this->jobs->jobsExport();
public function map($jobsExport): array
// dd($jobsExport->templates->first()->template_name);
return [
$jobsExport->templates->implode('template_name', ', '),
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function headings():array
CodePudding user response:
Is the $jobs
an id? If so, make it $jobId
public function export($jobId)
// assuming you have Job model which holds the jobs table
$jobs = Job::where('id', $jobId)->get();
return Excel::download(new JobsExport($jobs), 'jobs.xlsx');
and in your export class
class JobsExport implements WithStyles, FromCollection, WithMapping, WithHeadings
use Exportable;
private $jobs;
public function __construct($jobs)
$this->jobs = $jobs;
public function collection()
// change this
//return $this->jobs->jobsExport();
// to
return $this->jobs;
public function map($jobsExport): array
// dd($jobsExport->templates->first()->template_name);
return [
$jobsExport->templates->implode('template_name', ', '),
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function headings():array