Home > Net >  Why do I get random Http 404 from server between same requests with only one change in any field?
Why do I get random Http 404 from server between same requests with only one change in any field?


I haven an endpoint POST /api/marketplace/add that accepts a DTO object as request body. When I send the body below with platformName field set , server accepts request and processes it with no problem. But when I only try to change field platformName to null I get Http 404 error from server. I debugged the request and found out that it even can not reach controller method. I also got no trace from that error. What might be the cause that makes API respond differently to same request?


"platformName": "Trendyol",
"commissionAmounts": [
  "amount": 23.45,
  "categoryInfos": [
      "categoryName": "Game"
  "isCategoryBasedPricing": true
 "shipmentAmounts": [
  "amount": 23.45,
  "scaleInfo": {
    "order": 0,
    "lowerBound": 0,
    "upperBound": 0
  "volumeInfo": {
    "order": 0,
    "lowerBound": 0,
    "upperBound": 0
  "isVolumeBasedPricing": true

EDIT: dto model is

public class MarketPlaceDTO {

 private String platformName;

 private List<CommissionInfoDTO> commissionAmounts = new ArrayList<>();

 private List<ShipmentInfoDTO> shipmentAmounts = new ArrayList<>();

Controller is implementing swagger generated api interface. with postmapping and requestbody annotations.

public class MarketPlaceApiController implements MarketplaceApi {

private final MarketPlaceDAOService marketPlaceDAOService;

public ResponseEntity<BaseResponseDTO> addMarketPlace(MarketPlaceDTO 
 marketPlaceDTO) {
    BaseResponseDTO dto = 
    return ResponseEntity.ok(dto);

Swagger generated api interface

      method = RequestMethod.POST,
      value = "/marketplace/add",
      produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" },
      consumes = { "application/json" })
      default ResponseEntity<BaseResponseDTO> _addMarketPlace( 
      @Parameter(name = "MarketPlaceDTO", description = "Add new 
      marketplace with given request body", required = true) @Valid 
      @RequestBody MarketPlaceDTO marketPlaceDTO) {
     return addMarketPlace(marketPlaceDTO);

Response is

"timestamp": 1666866382906,
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"path": "/marketplace/add"

CodePudding user response:

Obviously, that you use an endpoint with @RequestBody where body is a DTO.

And on trying to call this endpoint Spring Web first should match that a model in your request payload matches a require object in @RequestBody argument.

Ideally, using DTO as a request model is not a good idea. But I don't see your structure and cannot say if it's a problem or not.

The simple solution in your case is preparation (annotating) your DTO with specific JSON annotations:

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class YourDTO {

  private String platformName;

and for Controller add class annotation @Validated; for @RequestBody add @Valid annotation.

Recommendation: use request models for incoming objects, and later converters to DTO/entities with ability to response them with filtering (or in complex cases add also response model - usually it's overhead).

CodePudding user response:

My problem was global exception handler component annotated with @ControllerAdvice. I tried to handle validation exceptions and forgot to add @ResponseBody to my handler methods which is in my case probabaly required. That somehow caused server to send http 404 message when any input validation exception was thrown. After I made changes , Exceptions was handled correctly by handler component.

@ResponseBody // this resolved my issue.
public class MVCExceptionHandler {

public BaseErrorResponse 
 methodArgumentExceptions(MethodArgumentNotValidException e){
    return BaseErrorResponse.builder()
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