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How to set mongodb aggregate default value?


I need to assign a default value of zero on days with zero repair, but this is the result.

      { day: 21, month: 10, year: 2022, count: 2 },
      { day: 28, month: 10, year: 2022, count: 1 },
      { day: 24, month: 10, year: 2022, count: 2 }

I just need to access the weekly repair data, 0 should be the default on non-repair days

const result = await Repair.aggregate([
                $match: {
                    createdDate: {
                        $gte: new Date(fromDate),
                        $lte: new Date(toDate),
                $group: {
                    _id: {
                        day: "$day",
                        year: "$year",
                        month: "$month",
                    count: {
                        $sum: 1,
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    day: "$_id.day",
                    month: "$_id.month",
                    year: "$_id.year",
                    count: "$count",

CodePudding user response:

Without valid sample input data, it is difficult to give exact solution, but would be like this one:

      $match: {
         createdDate: {
            $gte: new Date(fromDate),
            $lte: new Date(toDate),
      $group: {
         _id: { $dateTrunc: { date: "$createdDate", unit: "day" } },
         count: { $sum: 1 },
   { $set: { createdDate: "$_id" } },
      $densify: {
         field: "createdDate",
         range: {
            step: 1,
            unit: "day",
            bounds: "full"
      $fill: {
         sortBy: { createdDate: 1 },
         output: { count: { value: 0 } }

Mongo Playground


With MongoDB version 5 the code is a bit more complex. Would be this one:

    $match: {
      createdDate: {
        $gt: new Date("2022-10-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
        $lt: new Date("2022-10-30T00:00:00.000Z")
    $facet: {
      repairs: [
          $group: {
            _id: { $dateTrunc: { date: "$createdDate", unit: "day" } },
            count: { $count: {} }
          $project: {
            date: "$_id",
            count: "$count",
            _id: 0
    $set: {
      allDays: {
        $range: [
            $add: [
                $dateDiff: {
                  startDate: { $min: "$repairs.date" },
                  endDate: { $max: "$repairs.date" },
                  startDate: new Date("2022-10-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
                  endDate: new Date("2022-10-30T00:00:00.000Z"),
                  unit: "day",
    $set: {
      allDays: {
        $map: {
          input: "$allDays",
          in: {
            $dateAdd: {
              startDate: { $min: "$repairs.date" },
              unit: "day",
              amount: "$$this"
    $project: {
      repairs: {
        $map: {
          input: "$allDays",
          as: "day",
          in: {
            $mergeObjects: [
              { date: "$$day", count: 0 },
                $first: {
                  $filter: {
                    input: "$repairs",
                    cond: {
                      $eq: [
                    as: "repairs"
    $project: {
      repairs: {
        $map: {
          input: "$repairs",
          in: "$$this.count"

Mongo Playground

The result cannot be simple [ 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 ], the result is always a JSON document, i.e. field and values. But you can do

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