Home > Net >  I want to put a input variable before print (menu) but I want it to be printed after the menu
I want to put a input variable before print (menu) but I want it to be printed after the menu


Can anyone help I am a beginner? I want the variable choice to be displayed after the menu is but I need the variable to be on top so the name inserted can be shown beside add player name.

choice = input("Input your menu choice: ")
choice = False

if choice == "1":
    name = input("What is your name? ")

print("                  Menu                    ")
print(f"[1] Add player name: {name} ")
print("[2] Play guess the capital city")
print("[3] End game")

choice True

I tried to use a Boolean but it didn't so any help would be great.

CodePudding user response:

How about defining a string first like this?

import random

name = 'Anonomous'

playing = True

while playing == True:
    print("                  Menu                    ")
    print(f"[1] Add player name: {name} ")
    print("[2] Play guess the capital city")
    print("[3] End game")

    choice = input("Input your menu choice: ")

    if choice == "1":
        name = input("What is your name? ")

    if choice == "2":
        winner = False
        capital_city = random.choice(['London', 'Paris', 'Rome'])
        while not winner:
            guess = input("What capital city am I thinking of? ").title()
            if guess == capital_city:
                print(f'You won!!! I was thinking of {guess}..')
                winner = True
                print(f'No, it was not {guess}, guess again..')
    if choice == "3":

CodePudding user response:

This part:

choice = input("Input your menu choice: ")
choice = False

will make choice always equal False, also you should avoid changing types of variables like above: from str to bool. Assuming that you want working and well-structured console game:

name = 'Unnamed'  # Set default value of name.

# Create game loop using infinite while.
while True:
    # Display the menu: use string multiplication and a little of math.
    print(' ' * 18   'Menu'   ' ' * 18)
    print('-' * 40)
    print(f"[1] Add player name: {name} ")
    print("[2] Play guess the capital city")
    print("[3] End game")
    print('-' * 40)

    # Get choice from user.
    choice = input("\nInput your menu choice: ")

    # Perform proper action for a choice selected. 
    if choice == '1':
        name = input("What is your name? ")
    elif choice == '2':
        # Load your game ...
    # If player wants to end game, it is equivalent to exiting
    # loop using 'break' statement.
    elif choice == '3':
        # Define what happens if player inputted unsupported choice.

    # It is a common way to clear screen in python console
    # applications/games, if fourty lines of empty lines is not
    # sufficient increase amount of them.
    print('\n' * 40)

# Here you can save for instance player score or nickname and
# later read it at the beginning of file (before the game loop).

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