print("please enter your 5 marks below")
#read 5 inputs
mark1 = int(input("enter mark 1: "))
mark2 = int(input("enter mark 2: "))
mark3 = int(input("enter mark 3: "))
mark4 = int(input("enter mark 4: "))
mark5 = int(input("enter mark 5: "))
#create array/list with five marks
marksList = [mark1, mark2, mark3, mark4, mark5]
#print the array/list
#calculate the sum and average
sumOfMarks = sum(marksList)
averageOfMarks = sum(marksList)/5
#display results
print("The sum of your marks is: " str(sumOfMarks))
print("The average of your marks is: " str(averageOfMarks))
Couldn't really come up with anything
The assessment has the following guidelines.
Ask the user to input the marks for the five subjects in a list/array.
The program must ensure that the marks are between 0 and 100
Display the list/array of marks entered.
Find the sum of all the marks in the list (all five subjects) and display the output as:
The sum of your marks is: [sum]
Find the average of all the marks in the list (all five subjects) and display the output as:
The average of your marks is: [average mark]
CodePudding user response:
If when you said "debug", you are referring to inspect the values and validate it, then you can write some unit tests another way is to install ipdb and set a ipdb.set_trace()
CodePudding user response:
How about this:
N = 5
print(f"please enter your {N} marks below")
# read inputs
def checked_input(tip: str) -> int:
num = int(input(tip))
assert 0 <= num <= 100
except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
print('mark must between 0 and 100!')
return checked_input(tip)
return num
marks = [checked_input(f'enter mark {i}: ') for i in range(1, N 1)]
# print the array/list
# calculate the sum and average
total = sum(marks)
average = total / N
# display results
print(f"The sum of your marks is: {total}")
print(f"The average of your marks is: {average}")