I'd like for users of my app to be able to textInput a gene (eg. alcama) and then view the website output within the app. I am running the app locally.
although I think that's going to be far more complicated than I'm imagining as the gene's are all ID'd eg. https://zfin.org/ZDB-GENE-990415-30 rather than using the conventional name (alcama)
I have posted the relevant snippet of my code to attempt this, however it's just resulting in a blank box within the app when I type in eg. alcama.
ui <- fluidPage(title = "Lab Data",
selectInput("GEcelltype", "Choose a Cell Type:",
choices = c("MG", "CMZ", "RPE", "Cones", 'RGC', 'Whole Eye')),
textInput(inputId = 'GEgene', label = "Plot Expression, please type gene (all lowercase)", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = 'EG: alcama'),
sliderInput("min", "Select Minimum Expression Cutoff",
min = 0, max = 5, value = 0
fluidRow( htmlOutput("frame")),
) #mainpanel
)# fluidpage
server <- function(input, output, session) {
query <- input$GEgene
test <<- paste0("https://zfin.org/action/expression/results?rows=25&geneField=",query,"&authorField=&anatomyTermIDs=&anatomyTermNames=&searchTerm=&includeSubstructures=true&_includeSubstructures=on&startStageId=ZFS:0000001&endStageId=ZFS:0000044&assayName=&onlyWildtype=true&_onlyWildtype=on&_onlyReporter=on&_onlyFiguresWithImages=on&journalType=ALL")
output$frame <- renderUI({
my_test <- tags$iframe(src=test, height=600, width=900)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
CodePudding user response:
This website has X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
, which means they don't allow you to embed their content in an iframe
. You can search their documents to see if they have special URLs to allow you embed. If not, there is nothing you can do.