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C pointer arithmetic for linked lists


I am just starting out self-learning C , and as a toy problem, I am trying to do the following - given a linked list, I want to store all nodes that are even into a new list, and return this new list. For context, I come from a Python background.

I have the following program -

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct node
    unsigned val;
    struct node *next;

node *even_nodes(node **root)
    node *new_list_head = NULL;
    node *new_list_runner = NULL;
    node *runner = *root;
    while (runner != NULL)
        if (new_list_head != NULL){
            printf("OUTSIDE LOOP new_list_head.val = %d\n", new_list_head->val);
        if (runner->val % 2 == 0)
            cout << runner->val << endl;
            node new_node = {.val = runner->val, .next = NULL};
            if (new_list_head == NULL)
                printf("new_list_head is NULL!\n");
                new_list_head = &new_node;
                new_list_runner = &new_node;
                printf("after allocation. new_list_head.val = %d\n", new_list_head->val);
                printf("new_list_head is NOT NULL! new_list_head.val = %d\n", new_list_head->val);
                new_list_runner->next = &new_node;
                new_list_runner = new_list_runner->next;
                printf("after allocation. new_list_head.val = %d\n", new_list_head->val);
        runner = runner->next;
    printf("new_list_head val = %d\n", new_list_head->val);
    return new_list_head;

void add_data(node **root, int new_data)
    node *new_node = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node *));
    new_node->val = new_data;
    new_node->next = (*root);
    (*root) = new_node;

void print_list(node *root)
    node *head = root;
    while (head != NULL)
        printf("%d -> ", head->val);
        head = head->next;

int main()
    node *head = NULL;
    add_data(&head, 19);
    add_data(&head, 18);
    add_data(&head, 3);
    add_data(&head, 4);
    add_data(&head, 1);
    printf("Initial list:\n");
    node *new_list = even_nodes(&head);
    printf("New list of even numbers: \n");

    return 0;

The output is the following -

Initial list:
1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 18 -> 19 -> END
new_list_head is NULL!
after allocation. new_list_head.val = 4
OUTSIDE LOOP new_list_head.val = 4
OUTSIDE LOOP new_list_head.val = 4
new_list_head is NOT NULL! new_list_head.val = 18
after allocation. new_list_head.val = 18
OUTSIDE LOOP new_list_head.val = 18
new_list_head val = 18
New list of even numbers: 
[1]     segmentation fault 

I do not understand why the new_list_head also changes with the new_list_runner? Why is my new_list_head pointing to the last element of the new list, and not the first?

Also, why is there a seg fault error? In the print_list method, why is the guard

while (head != NULL)

not working?

Any help will be appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

You cannot do dynamic allocation by taking addresses of local variables. When the scope exits the local variable is destroyed and you are left with a pointer to an object which does not exist (known as a dangling pointer).

Your code has this problem here

node new_node = {.val = runner->val, .next = NULL}; // local variable
if (new_list_head == NULL)
    new_list_head = &new_node; // BAD
    new_list_runner = &new_node; // BAD
    new_list_runner->next = &new_node; // BAD
    new_list_runner = new_list_runner->next;

instead you should use new to allocate new nodes, Objects created with new do not get destroyed until you delete them.

node* new_node = new node{runner->val, NULL};
if (new_list_head == NULL)
    new_list_head = new_node;
    new_list_runner = new_node;
    new_list_runner->next = new_node;
    new_list_runner = new_list_runner->next;
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