I need to replace each half of an image with the other half:
Starting with this:
Ending with this:
I have tried to use crop, but I want the image to keep the same dimensions, and this seems to just cut it.
im = Image.open("image.png")
w, h = im.size
im = im.crop((0,0,int(w/2),h))
im.paste(im, (int(w/2),0,w,h))
CodePudding user response:
How to rotate the x direction of an image
You are nearly there. You need to keep the left and right portion of the image into two separate variables and then paste them in opposite direction on the original image.
from PIL import Image
output_image = 'test.png'
im = Image.open("input.png")
w, h = im.size
left_x = int(w / 2) - 2
right_x = w - left_x
left_portion = im.crop((0, 0, left_x, h))
right_portion = im.crop((right_x, 0, w, h))
im.paste(right_portion, (0, 0, left_x, h))
im.paste(left_portion, (right_x, 0, w, h))
print(f"saved image {output_image}")
- I used
left_x = int(w / 2) - 2
as to keep the middle border line in the middle. You may change it as it fits to your case.