Home > Net >  How to pass a spaced path from robocopy output to a batch file?
How to pass a spaced path from robocopy output to a batch file?


I'm using the following script which outputs from robocopy all file names (with full paths) and their creation dates located in "H:\Backup" folder and if the total size of all files exceeds 100GB it deletes the oldest file.

REM @echo off

set "targetFolder=H:\Backup"
set "folderMaxSize=100"

for /f "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('
robocopy "%targetFolder%" "%targetFolder%" /l /nocopy /is /s /njh /njs /ndl /nc /ns /ts
^| sort
') do call :process_dir %%b
goto :eof


set "PREVB="
for /F "tokens=3" %%B in ('
dir /S /-C "%targetFolder%"
') do (
call set "BYTES=%%PREVB%%"
set "PREVB=%%B"
set "BYTES_GIGA=%BYTES:~,-9%"
set "BYTES_ONES=%BYTES:~-9%"
if not defined BYTES_GIGA set "BYTES_GIGA=0"
set /A "BYTES_ONES=1%BYTES_ONES%%00000000"
if %BYTES_ONES% GTR 0 set /A "BYTES_GIGA =1"

if %BYTES_GIGA% GTR %folderMaxSize% (
echo "%targetFolder%" - size %BYTES_GIGA% GB, deleting oldest file: %1
del %1
) else (
echo "%targetFolder%" - size is less than %folderMaxSize% GB. No action needed.

goto :eof

This code work flawlessly if there is no spaces in the path. The problem begins when the path to the file has a spacebar, f.e. "H:\Backup\Data\Folder Name\file123.dat" in that case I get "set "PREVB=H:\Backup\Data\Folder".

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

See this example:

set s=v w x y z

for /F %%a in ("%s%") do echo %%a

v w x y z

when you use for /f and assign a variable (say %%a) the whole input is assigned to your variable.

Using "tokens=..." you can split your input and assign every space-delimited* part to a different variable:

for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5" %%a in ("%s%") do echo %%a,%%b,%%c,%%d,%%e


*(different delimiters can be specified using delims)

you can also skip some token:

for /F "tokens=2,4" %%a in ("%s%") do echo %%a,%%b


Using * you can assign remaining tokens to a single variable:

for /F "tokens=2,*" %%a in ("%s%") do echo %%a,%%b

w,x y z

In this last example token 1 is ignored, token 2 is assigned to %%a and the remaining part of the input string is assigned to %%b.

In your situation:

set s=                         2022/11/27 08:50:05    D:\te mp\123.txt

for /F "tokens=2,*" %%a in ("%s%") do set "PREVB=%%b"
echo %prevb%

D:\te mp\123.txt

In this example token 1 is ignored, token 2 (time value) - that is: the last token before the content you need - is assigned to %%a and the remaining part of the input to %%b.

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