I am trying to make a grid of text items, witch can vary in size, and I would like for as many items to fix in one row as the size allows.
This is what I got so far For example in this case, Ias you see the first row has space for additional items, while climbing should be Climbing and mountaineering
I have been trying to use LazyVerticalGrid, is there any way to automatically calculate span based on item size?
LazyVerticalGrid(columns = GridCells.Adaptive(120.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(12.dp),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(14.dp)){
ItemHobbySelected(text = selected[i])
fun ItemHobbySelected(text: String, onClick: () -> Unit={}){
Box(modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.White)) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(16.dp, 8.dp, 16.dp, 8.dp)
.clickable(onClick = onClick),
text = text,maxLines =1,
color = Color(0xFF3D3D3D)
CodePudding user response:
For such designs you can use Google Accompanist's FlowLayout. Add the version based on the Compose version you are using.
implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-flowlayout:<version>"
It has two Composables. FlowRow
and FlowColumn
. You need FlowRow:
mainAxisSpacing = 10.dp,
crossAxisSpacing = 10.dp,
modifier = Modifier
mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.Center
) {
selected.forEach{ item ->
ItemHobbySelected(text = "//Whatever you want")
You can modify the spacings to get your desired layout.