Home > Net >  how can I click only one of the elements in a class with multiple elements?
how can I click only one of the elements in a class with multiple elements?


ok so i cannot share the website im trying to automate but i'll share a screen shots of the inspect view.

enter image description here

ill add the code i used and the log i got from it

enter image description here as you can see the class: data-command has three elements within in the number is dynamic but I need to click on the last one, i do not want to use absolut xpath as the class: data-command is dynamic. ill add the code i used and the log i got from it

how do i click the last element

    #@{element_value}=    Get WebElements    class:data-value
    @{elements_name}=    Get WebElements    class:data-label 
    @{element_commands}=    Get WebElements    class:data-command
    WHILE    ${i} < 5
        #Log To Console    ${element_commands[${i}]}
        Click Element    ${element_commands[${i}]}
        Sleep    5s
        #Capture Page Screenshot
        Run Keyword And Warn On Failure        Page Should Contain    ${graph}
        ${i}=    Evaluate    ${i}   ${one}

CodePudding user response:

I'm not familiar with robot framework, but is case data-command class is a unique locator, the following XPath will give you the last child inside that element:


CodePudding user response:

You can get elements store it in collection/list and then get the last one and click it:

List<WebElement> elements= driver.findElements(By.css(".data-command"));

element = elements.get(list.size() - 1); //Click only the last in the list
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