```const timeoutError = new error_1.MongoServerSelectionError(Server selection timed out after ${serverSelectionTimeoutMS} ms
, this.description);
.MongoServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:27017
const {MongoClient}=require('mongodb');
const url='mongodb://localhost:27017/';
const client= new MongoClient(url);
const dataBase= 'nodejs';
async function getdata(){
let result= await client.connect();
console.log('connect to server')
let db= result.db(dataBase)
let collection = db.collection('node');
let response= await collection.find({}).toArray();
CodePudding user response:
Change uri to
const url='mongodb://';
CodePudding user response:
This happened probably because the MongoDB service isn't started.
Follow the below steps to start it:
- Go to Control Panel and click on Administrative Tools.
(in Windows the path will be:
Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools
) - Double click on Services. A new window opens up.
- Search MongoDB.exe. Right click on it and select Start.
The server will start. Now execute npm start
again and the code might work this time.
The answer from a similar question (I can't comment so I post as an answer)