I have three CSV
1,John,Smith,Internal Med
... and linked.csv
, which I need to populate based on doctors.csv
and patients.csv
I'm taking two inputs from the user that correspond with the doctor ID
and patient ID
, and checking if they are present, and then writing them to the linked.csv
I'd like the linked.csv
file to contain for each column:
Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to read a specific row using the csv
module and then extract the specific data I need from both files.
Here is the code I have so far:
#asking for input
print('Please select both a Patient ID and Doctor ID to link together')
patient_index = input('Please enter the patient ID: ')
doctorlink = input('Please select a doctor ID: ')
doctorpresent = False
patientpresent = False
# precence check for both values
with open('patiens.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
if patient_index == row[0]:
print('Patient is present')
patientpresent = True
with open('doctors.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
if patient_index == row[0]:
print('Doctor is present')
doctorpresent = True
if patientpresent == True and doctorpresent == True:
Here, I need to add the code necessary for extracting the rows.
CodePudding user response:
This looks like a task better suited for a database, but here is a possible solution just using the csv
module (pathlib
here is just my preferred way to handle files):
import csv
from pathlib import Path
# Files
patients_csv = Path('patients.csv')
doctors_csv = Path('doctors.csv')
linked_csv = Path('linked.csv')
# Create in memory lists for patients and doctors
with patients_csv.open() as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
patients = [_ for _ in reader]
with doctors_csv.open() as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
doctors = [_ for _ in reader]
print('Please select both a Patient ID and Doctor ID to link together')
patient_id = input('Please enter the patient ID: ')
doctor_id = input('Please select a doctor ID: ')
# Is there a doctor that matches doctor_id?
doctor = [_ for _ in doctors if _[0] == doctor_id]
# Is there a patient that matches patient_id?
patient = [_ for _ in patients if _[0] == patient_id]
# Do we have a patient and a doctor match?
if patientt and doctor:
patient = patient[0]
doctor = doctor[0]
with linked_csv.open('a') as f:
print(*patient, *doctor, file=f, sep=',')
And here is the result of a test run of the code above, which is in app.py
$ ls
app.py doctors.csv patients.csv
$ cat doctors.csv
1,John,Smith,Internal Med
$ cat patients.csv
$ python app.py
Please select both a Patient ID and Doctor ID to link together
Please enter the patient ID: 1
Please select a doctor ID: 1
$ cat linked.csv
1,Sara,Smith,20,07012345678,B1234,1,John,Smith,Internal Med
It can also be implemented independent of the csv
from pathlib import Path
# Files
patients_csv = Path('patients.csv')
doctors_csv = Path('doctors.csv')
linked_csv = Path('linked.csv')
# Create in memory lists for patients and doctors
with patients_csv.open() as f:
patients = [_.strip().split(',') for _ in f]
with doctors_csv.open() as f:
doctors = [_.strip().split(',') for _ in f]
print('Please select both a Patient ID and Doctor ID to link together')
patient_id = input('Please enter the patient ID: ')
doctor_id = input('Please select a doctor ID: ')
# Is there a doctor that matches doctor_id?
doctor = [_ for _ in doctors if _[0] == doctor_id]
# Is there a patient that matches patient_id?
patient = [_ for _ in patients if _[0] == patient_id]
# Do we have a patient and a doctor match?
if patientt and doctor:
patient = patient[0]
doctor = doctor[0]
with linked_csv.open('a') as f:
print(*patient, *doctor, file=f, sep=',')
Both examples are just starting points, which you can construct and improve above them.
CodePudding user response:
I have used CSV library to read files from both files and combine them into a list.
import csv
# asking for input
print('Please select both a Patient ID and Doctor ID to link together')
patient_index = input('Please enter the patient ID: ')
doctor_index = input('Please select a doctor ID: ')
output = []
# opening the CSV file
with open('patient.csv', 'r') as f:
# reading the CSV file
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
# iterating the rows
for row in reader:
if patient_index == row[0]:
output.append(row[0]) # appending patientID
output.append(row[1]) # appending patientfirstname
output.append(row[2]) # appending patientlastname
# opening the CSV file
with open('doctor.csv', 'r') as f:
# reading the CSV file
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
# iterating the rows
for row in reader:
if doctor_index == row[0]:
output.append(row[0]) # appending doctorID
output.append(row[1]) # appending doctorfirstname
output.append(row[2]) # appending doctorlastname
['1', 'Sara', 'Smith', '1', 'John', 'Smith']
Hope this helps. Happy Coding :)