I have a json file (API.json) which looks like this:
{"applist":{"apps":[{"appid":1234567,"name":"Test$: Number 1"},{"appid":7654321,"name":"Test- Number 2"},{"appid":7777777,"name":"Test & *(test)* Num. 3"}]}}
This is just the short version for testing.
I would like to know if it's possible to search for a "name" and view the related "appid" before that "name" via batch or any windows built-in commands.
set /P name=Insert the name:
rem (Part of the name which matches exactly with the name)
if %name%=Test$: echo
Name: Test$: Number 1
App ID: 1234567
rem (Part of the name which matches with more than 1 name)
if %name%=Number echo
Name: Test$: Number 1
App ID: 1234567
Name: Test- Number 2
App ID: 7654321
As it is obvious, Test
or Number
might, or might not be, included in the name.
I have tried converting this to object via PowerShell (convertto-json) but without any success. I Don't know if that would help.
CodePudding user response:
With jq this task can be solved:
NAME='Test & *(test)* Num. 3'
jq --arg name "$NAME" '.applist.apps[] | select(.name == $name) | .appid' API.json
CodePudding user response:
This should work:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /P "=Loading data, please wait." < NUL
call :loadData < API.json
set "name="
set /P "name=Insert the name: "
if not defined name goto :EOF
set "$!name!" 2>NUL
goto nextName
set /P "line="
set /P "next="
for /F "tokens=1* delims=}" %%a in ("!next!") do (
set "line=!line:*[{={!%%a}"
set "next=%%b"
set "EOF="
set /P "=." < NUL > CON
for %%n in (^"^
%Do not remove this line%
^") do for /F "delims=" %%a in ("!line:},{=}%%~n{!") do (
for /F "tokens=2,4 delims={:,}" %%x in ("%%a") do (
if "%%~y" neq "" set "$%%~y=%%~x"
if defined EOF exit /B
set "line=!next:~1!"
set /P "next="
if "!next:~-3!" equ "]}}" (
set "next=!next:~0,-3!"
set "EOF=1"
for /F "tokens=1* delims=}" %%a in ("!next!") do (
set "line=!line!%%a}"
set "next=%%b"
goto nextLine
- This program may fail for anyone of several causes
- This program may take too long
- This program fail in the fields that include an exclamation-mark. This can be fixed, but the program would take even longer...
- The "name" consults just match names that start with the given data
Please, report the result