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C# Intersecting two rangers not behaving as expected


I am trying to use two lists to determine if the list intersects each other. enter image description here As far as I am aware range one should not intersect with range two, so it should spit out an empty list. However as you can see in the list I am getting numbers that are never even included in the two ranges provided. Am I doing something wrong or is this a weird bug? I have fed this to the OpenAI chatbot too and it agrees with me that this should not be happening. (Cool bot btw).

Thanks for any help!!!

The code:

public void Challenge2()
        List<(Int32 min1, Int32 max1, Int32 min2, Int32 max2)> _numbers = new(){(64, 67, 43, 63)};
        Int32 count = 0;
        foreach ((Int32 min1, Int32 max1, Int32 min2, Int32 max2) in _numbers)
            //if (min1 <= max2 && max2 > min2 || min2 <= max1 && max1 > min1)
            var s = Enumerable.Intersect(Enumerable.Range(min1, max1), Enumerable.Range(min2, max2));
            if (Enumerable.Intersect(Enumerable.Range(min1, max1), Enumerable.Range(min2, max2)).Any())
                count  ;

CodePudding user response:

I think the basic problem here is your understanding of the arguments to Enumerable.Range. If you look at the documentation for Enumerable.Range(Int32, Int32), you'll see that the first int argument is the start number, and the second int argument is the count. Therefore, you should be creating your ranges like:

var intersection = Enumerable.Intersect(
    Enumerable.Range(min1, max1 - min1   1), 
    Enumerable.Range(min2, max2 - min2   1));

Also, there's no need to calculate it twice (you do it a second time in the if condition). It's not clear to me what your count variable is supposed to represent, but probabaly one of the following should apply:

if (intersection.Any())
    count  ;

// Or just:
int count = intersection.Count();

CodePudding user response:

there are a few issues with this code. First, the code does not actually create any lists of numbers. It attempts to create a list containing a single tuple, but the syntax is incorrect. Second, the code does not use the values in the tuple to create the two lists that it intersects. Instead, it always uses the same values (64, 67, 43, 63) to create the lists. Finally, the code does not actually do anything with the count variable, so it is unclear what the purpose of incrementing it is.

Here is an example of how you might fix these issues and improve the code:

public void Challenge2()
    // Create a list of tuples containing the min and max values for two ranges
    List<(Int32 min1, Int32 max1, Int32 min2, Int32 max2)> _numbers = new List<(Int32 min1, Int32 max1, Int32 min2, Int32 max2)>()
        (64, 67, 43, 63),
        (10, 20, 30, 40),
        (20, 30, 10, 20)

    Int32 count = 0;

    // Iterate over each tuple in the list
    foreach ((Int32 min1, Int32 max1, Int32 min2, Int32 max2) in _numbers)
        // Create two lists using the values from the tuple
        var list1 = Enumerable.Range(min1, max1);
        var list2 = Enumerable.Range(min2, max2);

        // Find the intersection of the two lists
        var intersection = Enumerable.Intersect(list1, list2);

        // If the intersection is not empty, increment the count
        if (intersection.Any())
            count  ;

    // Print the count of tuples with non-empty intersections
    Console.WriteLine($"{count} tuples have non-empty intersections");

This code creates a list of tuples containing the min and max values for two ranges, then iterates over each tuple in the list. For each tuple, it creates two lists using the values from the tuple, finds the intersection of the two lists, and increments the count variable if the intersection is not empty. Finally, it prints the count variable to the console. This code will produce the following output:

2 tuples have non-empty intersections

Note that this is just one possible way to implement the functionality you described, and there are many other valid ways to do it.

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