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Just contact with OPC, found that when reading data read values are not complete, have who can help


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
Using System.Com ponentModel;
Using System. The Data;
Using System. Drawing;
Using System. Linq;
Using System. The Text;
Using System. The Threading. The Tasks;
Using System. Windows. Forms;
Using OpcRcw.Com n;
Using OPCAutomation;
Using System.Net;

The namespace Demo
Public partial class Form1: Form
Public _click ()
# region public variables
//OPC server
Private OPCServer KepServer;
//OPC group collection objects
Private OPCGroups KepGroups;
//OPC group objects
Private OPCGroup KepGroup;
//OPC tags collection objects
Private OPCItems KepItems;
//OPC object tag
Private OPCItem KepItem;
///client handle
Int itemHandleClient=0;
///IP address
String strHostIP;
String TempIP;
//computer name
String strHostName;
//the server name
String cmbServerName="";
///the server handle
Int itemHandleServer=0;
Public object readValue;
//set the server name
Public List ServerName=new List (a);
//value collection
Public List Tags=new List (a);

# endregion
# region enumeration local OPC server
Public void GetOPCServer ()
IPHostEntry IpHost=Dns. Resolve (Dns) GetHostName ());
Console. WriteLine (" MAC Address ");
Foreach (IPAddress IP in IpHost. Expressions such as AddressList)
Console. WriteLine (IP);
Console. WriteLine (" both Please Enter IPHOST ");
String strHostIP="localhost";//the Console. ReadLine ();
IPHostEntry IPHostEntry=Dns. GetHostEntry (strHostIP);
KepServer=new OPCServer ();
The object serverList=KepServer. GetOPCServers (ipHostEntry. The HostName. The ToString ());
Int I=0;
Foreach (string serverName (Array) in serverList)
Console. WriteLine (i.T oString () + "" + serverName);
ComboBox1. Items. The Add (serverName);

The catch (Exception ex)

Console. WriteLine (" Connect Erro: "+ ex. Message);
# endregion
# region
//connect the OPCServer
Public void ConnectServer (String serverName)
IPHostEntry IPHost=Dns. Resolve (Environment. MachineName);
If (IPHost. Expressions such as AddressList. Length & gt; 0)
StrHostIP=IPHost. Expressions such as AddressList [0]. ToString ();
KepServer. Connect (serverName, "");
CreateGroup (" ");
CreateItems ();
MessageBox. Show (" connection success ");
Catch Exception (err)
MessageBox. Show (" enumeration local OPC server error: "+ err. The Message," Message ", MessageBoxButtons. OK, MessageBoxIcon. Warning).
//create a group collection
OPCGroup [] kepgroup=new OPCGroup [1].
Public void Temp1 (string Temps)
Int id=1;
KepServer. Connect (comboBox1. Text, strHostIP);//OPC service name node IP
Kepgroup [0]=KepServer. OPCGroups. Add (" Kepware. KEPServerEX. V6. Test ");//group name
Kepgroup [0]. IsActive=true;
Kepgroup [0]. IsSubscribed=true;
Kepgroup [0]. DeadBand=0;
Kepgroup [0]. UpdateRate=1000;//read interval
# test channel region designated
If (Temps=="test")
//for processing customer data warehouse data
Kepgroup [0]. OPCItems. AddItem (" test. Test. Tag1 ", id);//bind variables and id for processing warehouse. S7-1215 c. WaitWareHouse. Inventory product fixed number
Id++;//id + 1
Kepgroup [0]. OPCItems. AddItem (" test. Test. Tag2 ", id);//bind variables and id
# endregion
The else
MessageBox. Show (" fail ");
Kepgroup [0]. DataChange +=new DIOPCGroupEvent_DataChangeEventHandler (KepGroup_DataChange);//event binding

The catch (Exception ex)

MessageBox. Show (" unable to get to the server of the group of variables: "+ ex. The Message," Message ", MessageBoxButtons. OK, MessageBoxIcon. Warning).
//create a group
Private void CreateGroup (String groupName)
KepGroups=KepServer. OPCGroups;
KepGroup=KepGroups. Add (groupName);
KepServer. OPCGroups. DefaultGroupIsActive=true;
KepServer. OPCGroups. DefaultGroupDeadband=0;
KepGroup. UpdateRate=250;
KepGroup. IsActive=true;
KepGroup. IsSubscribed=true;
The catch (Exception ex)

Console. WriteLine (" Connect Erro: "+ ex. Message);

///& lt; Summary>
///to create a collection of objects
///& lt;/summary>
Public void CreateItems ()
KepItems=KepGroup. OPCItems;
KepGroup. DataChange +=new DIOPCGroupEvent_DataChangeEventHandler (KepGroup_DataChange);
String Temps="test", Tag1 and Tag2.
int i;
//assigned to the corresponding variable
Private void KepGroup_DataChange (int TransactionID, int NumItems, ref Array ClientHandles, ref Array ItemValues, ref Array Qualities, ref Array TimeStamps)
For (I=1; I & lt;=NumItems; I++)

The object value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ItemValues.GetValue (I);//label value
Int temp1=System. The Convert. ToInt32 (ClientHandles. GetValue (I));//label ID

If (Temps=="test")
If (temp1==1)
Tag1=value. The ToString ();
If (temp1==2)
Tag2=value. The ToString ();
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