I have a module that loads messages for angular i18n. The crucial part looks like this:
const lang = 'en';
const pathToLocales = 'path/to/locales';
const localeTranslationsModule = await import(`${pathToLocales}/messages.${lang}.json`);
// Load translations for the current locale at run-time
This works perfectly fine as long as it is whithin the angular app. The path here would be something like apps/my-app/i18n
where the message files are located.
Since I need this in several apps and I don't want the code to be in every single app I decided to extract this into a library @my-org/i18n
Now when I am using the module from the @my-org/i18n
and put the path/to/locales
as parameter, it cannot find the path.
My guess is, that the path cannot be resolved relative to node_modules. But how would one then configure a path like that?
CodePudding user response:
Since you are using webpack dynamic expression syntax you must start the path with a static string and not a dynamic one, because webpack needs to know where to start. Something like:
Checkout this documentation