consider Amazon product category architecture (one product may have 7 parent categories another might have 2). I want to build the same thing using Postgres.
A: Is there any scaleable logical way to do this? or I must consider using a graph database. ps: the project will not be AMAZON BIG. this is a monolith project, not a microservice.
B: my thoughts are that I should have a field named parent_categories in my category table which is an array of UUIDs of categories then a field named category_id for the products table that is related to the last category parent would work. something like this:
CREATE TABLE categories (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
parent_categories UUID[]
CREATE TABLE products (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid (),
category_id UUID[],
CONSTRAINT fk_category FOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCES categories(id)
the problem is with joining the chained categories I'm expecting a result like the below when fetching categories (I'm using node.js) and I don't know how to join every element of that array.
categories: [{
id: "id",
name: "name",
parent_categories: [{
id: "id",
name: "name"
CodePudding user response:
This question is about relational theory.
You have a pair of tables containing id and name, that's lovely. Discard the array attributes, and then
CREATE TABLE product_category (
product_id UUID REFERENCES products(id),
category_id UUID REFERENCES categories(id),
PRIMARY KEY (product_id, category_id)
Now you are perfectly set up for 3-way JOINs.
Consider adopting the "table names are singular" convention, rather than the current plural-form names.
Add a parent_id
column to categories
so the table supports self-joins.
Then use WITH RECURSIVE to navigate
the hierarchical tree of categories.
(Classic example in the Oracle documentation
shows how manager
can be used for emp
self-joins to produce a deeply nested org chart.)