I'm fairly new to python and i'm working on a problem for a school project. I feel im making progress but i'm not sure what to do next. The question is:
Write a function that takes mass as input and returns its energy equivalent using Einstein’s famous E = mc 2 equation. Test it with at least 3 different mass values. Write the program so that it can take the mass in kilograms as a commandline argument.
import sys
import math
m = float(sys.argv)
c = float(299792458)
def einstein_equation(m, c):
result = m * (math.pow(c, 2))
return result
e = einstein_equation(m, c)
print e
CodePudding user response:
just make it simple man, no need for sys.argv
and no need for math.pow
c = float(7382)
def einstein_equation(m, c):
return m * (c*c)
for _ in range(3):
m = float(input("MASS : "))
e = einstein_equation(m, c)
print (e)
CodePudding user response:
You don't need libary for powering and just add index for sys.argv
import sys
m = int(sys.argv[1])
c = 299792458