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Authenticating Spring Boot APIs



I have some APIs routes (~15 or so) that I want to authenticate. Right now, I can run the spring boot server locally (mvn spring boot run) and call all of the APIs. I can also deploy to Heroku and call the APIs from the Heroku cloud platform. This is great!

Here are the problem:

  1. I need to provide authentication for the APIs. The idea is that when running the spring boot server, I would need to pass in a token in order for the API call to work. If not, then I should get some unauthorized error(401 or 403 I think). Additionally, I would need to be able to seperate these APIs by roles (user, admin, etc).

  2. Ideally, I would want to build a test client(perhaps a webpage) that could call these APIs. I'm not exactly sure how authentication would work here.

I'm a bit confused because I tried working with Auth0 but that only seems to apply for 1 API? Auth0 allows for me to generate tokens but I'm not exactly sure how to integrate it with SpringBoot. It asks for an audience but I'm not sure what that should(especially since I'm running the Spring Boot server locally).

The next thing I was going to look at was Spring Security.

CodePudding user response:

Setup Sprint security for your application. There is even an example form Auth0 on hwoto do this: https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/backend/java-spring-security5/interactive

Once you have spring security running you can annotate your methods accordingly. e.g. @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")

If the authorization check fails spring will respond with the error code 403 automatically.

CodePudding user response:

Spring Security is a good choice for adding authentication and authorization to your Spring Boot APIs. It provides a number of features out of the box, including:

Support for a wide range of authentication methods, such as form-based authentication, HTTP Basic authentication, and OAuth2 authentication.

Role-based authorization, allowing you to specify which users or groups are allowed to access which resources.

A flexible framework for writing custom authentication and authorization logic.

To integrate Spring Security with your Spring Boot application, you will need to add the spring-boot-starter-security dependency to your project and configure it in your application.properties or application.yml file.

For example, to enable form-based authentication and specify a login page and an authentication failure page, you could use the following configuration:

spring.security.form-login.login-page: /login
spring.security.form-login.failure-url: /login?error

Spring Security is a good choice for adding authentication and authorization to your Spring Boot APIs. It provides a number of features out of the box, including:

Support for a wide range of authentication methods, such as form-based authentication, HTTP Basic authentication, and OAuth2 authentication.

Role-based authorization, allowing you to specify which users or groups are allowed to access which resources. A flexible framework for writing custom authentication and authorization logic. To integrate Spring Security with your Spring Boot application, you will need to add the spring-boot-starter-security dependency to your project and configure it in your application.properties or application.yml file.

For example, to enable form-based authentication and specify a login page and an authentication failure page, you could use the following configuration:

spring.security.form-login.login-page: /login spring.security.form-login.failure-url: /login?error

To secure specific API routes, you can use the @PreAuthorize annotation on your controller methods. For example:

public String adminOnly() {
  return "This route is only accessible to admins";

This will ensure that only users with the ROLE_ADMIN role are able to access the /admin-only route.

You can find more information about using Spring Security in the Spring Security documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html5/.

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